Wrapping In Plastic To Remove Cellulite

The skin may show allergic reactions, due to the build-up of toxins. It is therefore recommended not to over-adjust the plastic and to remove it after a maximum of one hour.

For many decades, different tips and techniques are practiced with the aim of eliminating cellulite and shaping the silhouette.

Slimming creams, surgical procedures, juices, gels, fat burner injections or massages, among others, are only a tiny part of the methods that aim to help remove the bulges of fat that prevent you from losing weight. to have the silhouette so desired.

Wrap yourself in plastic to get rid of cellulite

In addition to the techniques already mentioned, there is a very popular method that can increase the ability to burn calories and fat.

It involves wrapping the body in plastic to increase body temperature when exercising. And thus improve the results. This practice is widely used in beauty centers and many women also use it at home to take advantage of all its benefits.

Covering areas of the body with plastic helps promote blood circulation. As well as the function of the sweat glands. And to top it off, it increases the ability to flush out toxins and all the harmful substances that damage the body.

In this case, the way to use the plastic may vary, as some tricks give better results.

In this article, we are going to share with you two very effective methods that allow you to lose weight, detoxify the body and eliminate cellulite.

With honey

This method involves making a homemade reducing cream to improve results when wrapping the body with plastic.


  • ½ cup of honey
  • 1 egg yolk
  • A few drops of a citrus essential oil.


  • Pour the honey into a saucepan and heat it in a bain-marie. Then when it is hot, add the other ingredients and stir until the mixture is smooth.
  • With a brush or brush, apply the mixture to areas like the arms, thighs or stomach and then wrap them with plastic wrap or cellophane.
  • Cover yourself with a warm coat or clothes and lie down for an hour. When the time is up, remove the plastic and wash to remove any remnants of the mixture.

With clay

Wrapping in clay is one of the most effective methods of removing cellulite and reducing body fat. It is better to use blue clay, since it contains a large number of microelements that have a positive effect on the skin.


  • Blue clay
  • Hot water


  • Pour hot water into a small amount of blue clay, then mix until you get a creamy texture.
  • Apply to the desired areas of the body, wrap them in plastic, cover yourself with a warm clothing and leave on for an hour.
    For best results, it is helpful to also exercise after the hour has passed.
  • Practice this process at least twice a week if you want to get results in a short time. You will then get a slimmer figure, and you will reduce cellulite and streaks.

The benefits of these methods to eliminate cellulite

  • Wrapping the body in plastic two or three times a week, especially while exercising, increases the ability to clear cellulite and lose weight. You can lose up to 1 kilo per week, if you follow a healthy and balanced diet at the same time.
  • Plastic wrap can be bought very easily in supermarkets and it is very inexpensive.
  • It is very easy to wrap different parts of the body in this material.
  • This increases sweating, which indicates that calories are being burned.
  • It improves skin health, fights cellulite, and can even reduce streaks.

Tips and Warnings

It is very important to practice these methods, taking into account certain recommendations, to avoid side effects. The skin can show allergic reactions or infections, since the plastic does not allow breathing, which can increase the build-up of toxins.

To avoid this type of inconvenience, it is good to take into account the following tips:

  • The plastic should not be too tight to the body, to avoid allergies.
  • It should be used for a maximum of one hour.
  • When you are finished exercising, you should remove the plastic immediately.
  • Before rinsing or showering, wait a few minutes for the body temperature to drop slowly.
  • Shower water should be hot or lukewarm.
  • To complete the treatment, dry your skin well and apply moisturizer.

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