Would Eating At Night Make Us Fat?

It is recommended to eat dinner at least two hours before going to sleep, as the body needs time to digest well.

Dinner is a very important time. It plays a decisive role in our diet and therefore determines our weight. Eating too much or eating late at night can have consequences.

Indeed, this time of day is directly linked to the production of fat. This is a time when our body is hardly going to consume any energy. This means that the calories that we ingest will not be burned!

One thing is therefore certain: the majority of calories should be consumed during the first half of the day.

It is therefore important to know which foods to include or which to avoid. This will allow us to follow a balanced diet during our dinners.

The benefits will not be long in coming, and we will be able to maintain our figure and even lose weight! Indeed, controlling our calorie intake is the secret to losing weight naturally.

As the famous saying goes:  “You must eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon and like a poor person in the evening”. It will also allow us to improve our quality of life. So take note!

Is it true that eating at night makes you fat?

Not at all. What makes you fat is eating badly at night. Unfortunately, we do this almost every day because generally:

  • In the morning, we follow a balanced diet, even if it means eating very little. But when we arrive home, and often out of anxiety, we then throw ourselves on the food, nibbling on whatever we find in the cupboards. Moreover, snacking or eating what we find often leads us to the same thing.  Most of the time, these are high- calorie, high-fat foods .
  • Sometimes, because of work or our obligations, we eat breakfast very quickly in the morning. Sometimes we don’t even do it. At noon, we then eat something simple and quick. So finally, when we arrive home in the evening, we are very hungry and we feel like devouring everything. This bad habit can cause serious problems.
  • Eat very late. Sometimes we get home late. First, we take care of several tasks. And finally, here we are eating at almost the same time we go to bed. Obviously, we cannot do this every day. The ideal is to eat dinner two hours before going to bed so that our body can finish digestion.

Foods to avoid at night

Some meals should be avoided at late hours. Indeed, they are far too caloric and indigestible. Not only will these foods cause our weight to increase, but they will also prevent us from sleeping well.

Obviously, we should avoid heavy meals and fried foods that are too fatty. It will also be necessary to do without soft drinks and drinks with caffeine. You should also refrain from consuming the following foods:


Surely you have done this more than once. It’s an easy remedy, because we think it’s a light meal. Of course, it all depends on what you put in it.

But be aware that it is not recommended to eat a lot of bread at dinner, especially if you are sensitive to carbohydrates. They indeed have difficulty in being assimilated correctly. They then accumulate in fatty tissue in the form of cholesterol.

The lettuce

It may surprise you! But lettuce is a rather indigestible food. This is because this salad has a high content of insoluble fiber, which causes gas and bloating overnight.

It is very common to make a salad in the evening, but it is better to avoid lettuce. For example, make yourself a tomato salad and add a protein-rich food that will keep you feeling full.

Garlic and onion

Never eat them raw in the evening! These foods are indigestible at these late hours. Your stomach could suffer from it.

Pasta, rice and pizzas

It should not be abused and always eat in small quantities. Carbohydrates from plants and vegetables will always be better than those from pasta and rice. You can still eat a small amount every now and then.

What foods can I eat at night?

Dinner is the last meal of the day. It should therefore help us to balance the daily nutritional intake. That’s why it’s always good to include a good serving of vegetables:

– Grilled or sautéed vegetables, in soup or gazpacho. We accompany it all with a piece of salmon or turkey, for example. Then take a yogurt without fat, and replace the bread with toasted toast.

Examples of light dinners

  • Sautéed mushrooms with non-fat cheese omelet. Then a small slice of melon or watermelon.
  • Tomato salad with mozzarella and shrimp, a little salmon and a grilled toast.
  • Zucchini soup with hake, an apple and a yogurt with honey.

What happens if I remove dinner from my diet?

Skipping a meal is not effective. We become much more anxious, which causes us to eat large amounts at the next meal. Suppressing dinner means lowering the level of sugar in the blood:  we then suffer from hypoglycemia and the calorie intake decreases.

It is our health that loses in the end. It is therefore not recommended at all.

What is the most recommended dessert to eat in the evening?

Fresh fruit or compote (easier to digest), as well as low-fat yogurts.

What time should I eat in the evening?

Two hours before I go to bed.

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