Woman Of Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow

Each of the setbacks that life has brought us, each of the joys and all the lessons that we have learned over the years have structured our current personality.

The woman you are today tells a unique and exceptional story.

This personal portrait will be inhabited by chiaroscuro and periods of difficulty. But also, moments when luck has accompanied you, as well as this happiness which continues to inspire you.

Everything that has been lived, felt and seen in all of our experiences forms what we are today.

Who is able to accept each of these aspects without resistance or regret will be able to move forward in his life with more freedom.

Now we know that in many cases there are memories that hurt us and we can come to hate ourselves. Indeed, we have given in in certain situations, or we have acted badly.

We could safely say that there is always a version of ourselves that we don’t like, and that we reject.

We have to be able to accept the woman from yesterday. Because this one too, has helped us to give strength and beauty to the woman of today. 

In this article, we invite you to think about that.

The woman you see in the mirror today tells a long story

No one other than you knows all the roads you’ve been through, and all the times you’ve gone wrong to find yourself.

Our personal cards sometimes show private corners that we haven’t shared with anyone. Indeed, they reflect those moments of crisis of which we are not proud, but which, perceived with distance and experience, we end up accepting and considering as important.

A painful relationship that fails or a project that did not come to fruition. But still, the fact of having invested time and efforts in people who did not deserve it, or to have behaved badly with those who deserve the best … All these examples are fragments of this past which the memory hurts .

But, far from seeing life as isolated train stations, we must see it as a cycle. Like a risky but wonderful journey where everything counts, and where everything defines the exceptional woman that we are today.


Accepting yourself doesn’t mean just looking at yourself in the mirror and loving every nook and cranny that reflects the surface area, with every virtue and every beauty. It is much more than that.

In fact, self-acceptance is an exercise that we must practice every day.

  • Accepting oneself means knowing how to accept one’s mistakes in order to learn from them.
  • To accept ourselves means to understand that we are not infallible, that we cannot go everywhere, nor satisfy all the wants and needs of those around us.
  • But also, to accept oneself means knowing how to accept that in life, there are continual changes. In addition, we must adapt to each variation with integrity and optimism because to live is to let ourselves be carried away and to benefit from this enriching movement.

Mature as a woman is a worthwhile inner journey

Mature is not just about celebrating birthdays. It is to accumulate experiences, because there is nothing sadder than to let time pass without filling it with sensations, discoveries, learning, mistakes, caresses, smiles, tears, flavors …

  • Real life is beyond our comfort zone and it is on this line, one step beyond the fear barrier, that the best happens.
  • Mature is above all an inner journey that forces us to take advantage of everything that has been experienced to reshape our personality, our values ​​and our essence. 
  • Because the woman you are today is not the 20-year-old woman. There is, no doubt, part of her left, but this whole journey has stripped layers and added new ones, to make you more skillful, more secure, and more radiant.

We must not be afraid of taking years, we must be afraid of a life not lived.

What i am today

You are in that intermediate point where you look at the past with satisfaction. Today you have accepted each of your paths and choices. However, you are looking into the future and wondering what this horizon will bring you.

  • It doesn’t matter what happens in that future because it doesn’t exist yet. Wise people know full well that the best time of our lives is happening right now.
  • Your best age is today. The most important moment in your life is the one opening up to you right now.
  • We know that fate plays with its own dice, but we are also builders of our own reality.
    We make decisions. Then we raise our voice to say firmly what you want and what we don’t want. But also, what we are willing to keep and what we want to fight against.

Everything that has been experienced has given us strength, courage and steadfastness. And it is a very precious treasure, it is your personal inheritance, and without a doubt, wonderful.

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