Why Do Some Children Behave Badly With Their Mother?

Some children misbehave in the presence of their mother because of the deep attachment they have developed since childhood. However, they may demand more of you.

The mother and father of a family exert a different influence on children. They also affect children’s behavior in a different way.

In fact, it could play a big role as to why some children behave badly around their mother.

Between 7 and 24 months,  the process of emotional and physical maturation of children increases, which involves  moving away from the figure of attachment.

However, this process involves them protesting the separation by shouting or certain behaviors that will serve to get their mother’s attention.

The symbolism of parents

According to psychology, the  children are more attached to the mother for various reasons. These reasons include constant presence and availability.

Monotropic attachment, in which the child seeks closeness with the people who protect him, in this case his mother.

There is also the secondary impulse which is explained by the satisfaction of the primary needs of the child. As part of these needs, the mother is usually present.

Children have a different relationship with their mother and with their father.

It is not uncommon for children to be much more attached to their mothers, since  mothers symbolize the needs of children. 

Therefore, children will intensify their behavior to get the attention of their mother and thus satisfy this demand.

On the other hand, for children, parents symbolize trust. 

Usually, children seek out their parents to feel safe when they take risks or play with them.

As a result, the  children do not annoy a particular way to capture father’s attention. It is because they do not represent the need that the mother figure symbolizes for them.

However, why do some children behave badly in the presence of their mother and not their father? Here we share the reasons for this phenomenon.

Paternal and maternal ties are not the same

According to several studies comparing maternal and paternal parenting styles, the  mothers get higher scores in both positive and negative factors. In addition, they are more involved in the process.

However, the difference and inconsistency in parental criteria between parents is related to the lack of control. Emotional and behavioral problems in children.

Why do some children behave badly in the presence of their mother?

All children can be aggressive; indeed, some may be more finicky than others.

It is usually at this stage that some children behave badly in the presence of their mother. They  just want  to  get their mother’s attention. 

They can do this by crying, asking for help even when she is busy. By making her angry and even challenging her authority.

It must be said that, in the first years of his life,  the child is not aware of what is good or bad in each situation.  Also, he does not know what may or may not be dangerous.

For this reason, parents should be patient with the child, to gradually teach him to understand these risks and norms.

However, it  is important to keep in mind that children will seek as much attention as possible.

If they do not receive the necessary attention, they demand it through negative and even unacceptable behavior. This is why children behave badly in the presence of their mother.

What can you do ?

It is likely that some children behave badly around their mother because they require a lot of attention.

Here are some simple guidelines you can apply to help your children improve their behavior.

Make sure you pay enough attention to your child

All children are different. Some require more attention and time than others. However,  try to be interested in him at all times. 

If you pay attention to him only when he behaves badly, with complaints or temper tantrums, you will only reinforce his bad behavior.

Pay no attention when he throws temper tantrums

This is a very powerful technique for teaching your child that the behavior in this class is not being used to get your attention.

When he has a tantrum, leave him alone and ignore him, as long as it doesn’t hurt. 

It takes discipline from parents, but it’s something you need to do if you don’t want your child’s behavior to get worse.

Use the positive reinforcement method

Children want to do activities with their mother.

It is impossible for children to always behave badly. When you watch or hear that your child has done something right, praise and encourage him. 

For this, you need to get more involved in its activities, especially when asked.

Children want to receive the approval of their parents and make them proud. You just have to demonstrate it with gesture, words and actions.

Don’t give up and be positive

If a mother is negative, the child will surely have behavioral problems, especially at school. And if your relationship with him is hostile, the child will also behave negatively. Try to be positive and set limits.


As you can see, some children behave badly in the presence of their mother due to the deep attachment they have developed since they were little.

They know that with their mother they can release their emotions.

However,  this bad behavior can also be due to the lack of attention to meet their needs.

Likewise, it is important that, as parents, you set limits for your child. It is also essential to learn to manage your emotions and impulses in a positive way.

Remember that children are a reflection of their parents. If you educate your little ones with love and patience, they will be able to develop and live fully.  And you, have you had such an experience?

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