What Happens In Your Body When You Eat A Big Mac

Its high salt and calorie content unbalances our glucose levels, and makes us crave more.

Junk food like Big Macs is delicious and seems like the perfect way to feed us when we don’t have time to cook for ourselves.

However, we have known for a long time that this is not a healthy diet because it contains high levels of saturated fat, salt, and refined sugar which, when entering the body, causes damage. very significant damage.

This type of diet is responsible, among other things, for many cases of overweight and obesity.

Many years ago, the McDonald’s “Big Mac” was launched on the market to conquer the palates of young and old, thanks to “its two minced steaks, its melted cheddar, its onions, its pickles, its bed of salad and its inimitable sauce ”, according to the company’s website.

However, behind the irresistible taste of this burger, which is the most consumed around the world, lie high amounts of calories and saturated fat. Which can seriously affect health in the long term, but also just after entering the body.

To alert consumers around the world to the dangers of McDonald’s flagship product, the FastFoodMenuPrice website has published an infographic on the effects of this sandwich on our bodies.

It seems that its harmful effects occur within minutes of ingestion.

After 10 minutes: you feel good, but …

Eat a Big Mac.

A complete Big Mac, with cheese and sauce, contains 540 calories,  which immediately trigger two effects.

The first is the abnormal increase in blood sugar levels.

The second is the activation of the brain’s reward systems, which will release dopamine, also known as the pleasure hormone.

This effect is similar to that caused by drug addiction. He is responsible for this thought that inevitably crosses the mind of someone who has just finished their Big Mac: “What a delicious burger!”.

After 20 to 30 minutes: you feel like eating another Big Mac

The consumption of a Big Mac.

The high content of corn syrup (which contains a lot of fructose) and salt in the hamburger, generates the desire to consume a second sandwich.

These two substances are highly addictive, which explains the fact that it generates a certain uncontrolled craving for “junk food”.

In addition, the 970 milligrams of salt contained in the Big Mac will cause severe dehydration when they enter the body, which will affect the functioning of the kidneys and the heart.

This salt content can greatly influence the increase in blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

After 40 minutes: complete loss of control over glucose levels

It is likely that at this point you will still feel the urge to consume another sandwich.

By eating a product that contains so many calories, the blood sugar levels are totally out of balance, which results in an overwhelming urge to consume more “junk food”.

A Big Mac provides more than 25% of the recommended daily calorie allowance for an adult, which impairs pancreatic function and reduces blood glucose.

This vicious circle then generates an uncontrollable feeling of hunger.

In addition, the intestinal tract very quickly absorbs the high fructose corn syrup contained in the sandwich, which causes insulin spikes that reinforce the feeling of hunger.

After 60 minutes: digestion is very slow

The digestion of a Big Mac.

Usually, it takes 24 to 72 hours for the body to digest food.

However, the high fat content of the Big Mac complicates this natural process, and the complete digestion of this sandwich can take much longer than three days.

Indeed, depending on the diet of the person who consumes them, the trans fats contained in this dish can take 51 days to be fully digested by the body.

This high fat content worsens the situation for people who suffer from heart disease, obesity, cancer or diabetes.

In France, a Big Mac contains 26 grams of fat, which is equivalent to 37% of the recommended daily allowance.

These fats include 10 grams of saturated fat, which occurs naturally in foods of animal origin, such as meat or cheese.

The unbalanced nutritional value of the Big Mac, and its high content of substances harmful to the body, should lead you to consume it very sporadically, or even to avoid ingesting it altogether.

Indeed, if you eat it regularly, you expose your body to serious damage, both short and long term.

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