What Can Avocado Core Be Used For?

Avocado is a delicious and nutritious fruit, excellent for health, and its kernel is also edible (and most of the time it is thrown away), because it has more medicinal properties than the rest of the fruit. fruit.

Additionally, we can also apply avocado kernel topically to treat skin problems as well as muscle and joint pain!

We are going to tell you how you can use avocado kernel in order to get the most benefit from it as a natural treatment for many diseases and, among other things, for weight loss.

Why the kernel?

Avocado is an excellent, very complete food, and we recommend that you eat it in the usual way. We also present to you all the benefits of its kernel, because 70% of the amino acids that this fruit contains are found in the kernel. It also contains more soluble fiber than any other food!

Avocado core

The benefits of avocado kernel

Here is a list of the benefits of consuming avocado kernel:

  • It is an antioxidant: it prevents the aging of cells.
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease thanks to its amino acid content: it is ideal for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels and for preventing heart disease.
  • It helps strengthen the immune system and fight diseases caused by microbes, fungi or parasites.
  • It helps to lose weight and burn fat: the logic of nature has provided the avocado kernel with elements that burn the fat contained in the pulp of the fruit. In addition, it contains soluble fiber, which improves intestinal transit and gives us a feeling of fullness.
  • It is an astringent, ideal for treating diarrhea and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It has aphrodisiac properties to boost libido.
  • It is a good conditioner in times of fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain when applied topically.
  • Inhibits the development of tumors thanks to its flavonol content.
  • Prevents symptoms of epilepsy.
  • Allows you to quickly eliminate pimples and boils that may have appeared when applied to the skin, as it makes them ripen and dry afterwards.
  • Regulates thyroid disorders.
  • It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, whether applied directly to the skin or consumed, as it promotes the formation of collagen.
  • It is a good dietary supplement to treat asthma in a natural way.

How should we consume it?

The avocado kernel has a bitter and astringent taste, due to its medicinal properties. To consume it, remove the thin brown skin covering it, grate it and, optionally, grill it over a low heat. It will thus take on a reddish tone. With this kernel thus prepared, you can:

  • Prepare an infusion, boiling it for 10 minutes; then let sit for 5 minutes and consume it throughout the day.
  • Use it as an accompaniment to salads, soups, stews, rice or pasta dishes, etc.
  • If you heat it up enough, you can then grind it in a coffee grinder and keep it ground.

Warning: excessive consumption of avocado kernel can cause constipation, due to its tannin content.

How to apply it topically?

To use the avocado kernel for the skin, do the following:

  • Triturate the kernel and mix it with alcohol, allowing the preparation to macerate for at least a week. Use this alcohol for massages and rubs, for example if you suffer from joint or muscle pain. If you suffer from migraines, gently massage your temples and neck.
  • With the powder obtained from the kernel, you can prepare plasters that you will apply to pimples and boils;  thus, they will dry quickly. Mix the powder with a little hot water to obtain a paste that you will place between two pieces of gauze; Apply them to the skin for 5 to 10 minutes until this paste has dried. Repeat the operation every day until you see improvement.
  • To make your hair shine and to eliminate dandruff: grate the core, but you will use it raw, so without having toasted it. Mix it with castor oil and let steep for a day. Then rub the scalp with this preparation. Cover your head with a towel or transparent film, leave on for an hour and then wash your hair well. This treatment is not recommended if you have very oily hair.
  • You can also use the kernel powder directly to exfoliate and tone the skin.

Avocado core

  • As an anecdote, know that ground avocado stones mixed with cheese and flour are used as poison for rats!

Photographs courtesy of Rosmary and clkao.

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