What Are The Causes Of White Spots On The Skin?

Most of the time, the appearance of white spots is due to a poor diet or a lack of vitamins or calcium.

Do you have white spots on your skin or have you ever had some? Usually, these spots appear in the summer on the back and on the face. Young people are the most affected by the appearance of these spots.

Find out here what are the causes of their appearance and what are the possible treatments. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor or a dermatologist.

White spots on the skin: the P ityriasis versicolor

The Tinea versicolor  is a fungal infection that frequently appeared. But don’t panic, this yeast infection is generally mild.

The P ityriasis versicolor tends to show up as white spots on the skin, especially on the chest, back, arms, and legs. In short, the areas generally exposed to the open air during hot periods.

Sweating, hormonal changes and humidity are factors that cause these spots to appear. This is why this disease particularly affects young people.

This mycosis does not present any danger to health. In addition, it is not contagious, nor painful. These are just small, unsightly white spots that are difficult to remove.

P treatment  ityriasis versicolor

In the case of a yeast infection, in other words a disease caused by a fungus, the treatments are generally as follows:

  • antifungal medicines, such as terbinafine or miconazole
  • shampoo containing selenium sulfide (just apply this product to the affected area in the evening when you go to bed, then rinse the next morning)
  • of Aloe vera  (apply the gel of the plant, massage the area and let sit for a few hours before taking a shower).

If after two weeks of treatment the spots do not disappear, it is best to consult a dermatologist.

White spots on the skin: vitiligo

White spots on the skin may indicate vitiligo

The Vitiligo is a chronic disease manifested by white patches on certain areas of the skin where the cells responsible for producing melanin no longer work.

It is therefore a flaw in the immune system: the melanocytes, the cells responsible for pigmentation, have been destroyed. In general, this disease affects people who live in humid places.

These white spots can appear anywhere on the body. They can be of different sizes and shapes. They do not cause pain, discomfort, itching or irritation.

They appear without symptoms but are very conspicuous. These white spots sometimes take on a brown color and have small scales. When this is the case, these spots are particularly troublesome.

Vitiligo treatment

Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for vitiligo. This autoimmune disease often has a genetic origin and there are no effective and safe solutions to stop the destruction of melanocytes.

The skin can be re-pigmented, but this does not always give good results. Experts then advise the use of photo-protectors (in the form of creams) to protect hypopigmented areas from solar radiation.

Many people use aloe vera and balms made with turmeric or mustard oil to reduce blemishes. These white spots will not go away, but you will see an improvement: your skin will be healthier.

White spots on the skin: a nutritional deficit

White spots on the skin may indicate a nutritional deficit

It is an undeniable fact: we do not always have a balanced diet, which explains our deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.  

If a child has white spots, it is important that they see a doctor to have them analyzed. These spots could be the consequence of a nutritional deficit.

  • White spots on the skin may be due to a deficiency of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin E.
  • It’s not just dairy products that are high in calcium – vegetables are high in calcium too. This mineral is essential for healthy skin and bones.
  • White spots due to malnutrition are harmless, but they are the warning sign of an unbalanced diet. See a doctor for advice.

There are many dietary supplements available for improving the health of the skin. Make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet.

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