What Are The Benefits Of Garlic Under The Pillow?

The sulphurous compounds of garlic and its zinc concentration promote relaxation and help us find sleep, in addition to renewing our energies to better face the day.

Garlic is a very ancient food that has been used as a condiment in many dishes and as an active ingredient in hundreds of remedies. 

It is a close relative of the onion and although its smell is not the most pleasant, it is one of the most consumed by people around the world.

In ancient times, it was used as a condiment in dishes, as a repellant of disease and as an antidote to ward off demons.

If this is considered superstition today, there are still people who believe that garlic is used to fight against bad energies.

Either way, it is an ingredient rich in essential nutrients, with multiple medicinal applications and a wide variety of health benefits. 

In this article, we would like to remind you of its main properties and an interesting therapy that can be very useful for people who have sleep problems.

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The nutritional properties of garlic

garlic garlic

Garlic is characterized by its characteristic calorie intake. It can contain up to 100 kcal per 100 grams.

However, since its consumption is often very light, it does not represent a problem for the weight of the body.

In addition, it contains complex carbohydrates and proteins that help improve physical and mental performance.

It provides group B vitamins and essential minerals such as sodium, potassium and magnesium.

However, its main benefits are attributed to its high concentration of sulfur compounds like allicin.

The main benefits of garlic

Although it cannot be considered a miraculous ingredient for the body, many of its effects make it one of the best foods in the diet.

It is a good supplement to relieve several types of infections, metabolic disorders and problems with the respiratory system.

In fact, since it contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances, it is a great ally for cardiovascular health.

The different benefits of garlic.

Its consumption improves the elasticity of the arteries, decreases excess cholesterol and regulates blood pressure levels.

It also improves blood flow to every cell in the body and helps prevent premature aging. 

It is credited with bactericidal and antiseptic qualities that may even work better than some synthetic antibiotics.

It is a natural diuretic that helps  fight fluid retention and excess tissue inflammation. 

In addition, it has been shown that whoever consumes it regularly weighs less on average than who never consumes it.

Why put a clove of garlic under your pillow?

After discovering the virtues of garlic, we are going to focus on a very simple therapy which consists of putting a clove of garlic under your pillow every night.

This grandma’s secret is used to encourage healthy, deep sleep. Especially in people who have trouble sleeping. 

Garlic contains sulfur compounds also contained in its scent. They have a calming effect which helps improve the quality of sleep.

In ancient cultures, it was believed that people could be protected from evil spirits, but in reality, the feeling of security it brings is due to its zinc concentration.

Although it may be hard to get used to the smell at first, over time it won’t be a problem. It is one of the best options for insomnia.

Likewise, it also has positive effects on physical performance the following day, since it helps to renew energies to start the day better. 

It is therefore recommended to supplement this therapy with the consumption of at least one clove of garlic on an empty stomach. Whether alone or with a lemon.

Natural garlic treatment for better sleep

Garlic based treatment.

Another interesting way to enjoy the benefits of garlic for sleeping is to prepare a natural drink with relaxing properties. 


  • A glass of milk (200 ml)
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon of bee honey (7.5 g)


  • Pour the milk into a saucepan, add the crushed garlic and boil for three minutes.
  • After the time has elapsed, wait for the mixture to settle, add the honey and consume.
  • The ideal is to ingest it 30 minutes before going to bed for good results.

To conclude, we know that in addition to being one of the best condiments, garlic is an excellent ally for health and sleep problems.

We can take advantage of it in many ways. But it is always interesting to test alternative therapies like the one offered here.

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