Treatment With Olive Oil And Garlic Against Varicose Veins And Spiders

In addition to applying this remedy daily, to improve the appearance of varicose veins and vascular spiders, it It is essential to take care of your diet and to exercise.

Varicose veins and spiders are more visible signs of a circulatory complication that develops in the lower part of the body.

They occur when capillaries and veins dilate. Whether it is due to an inflammatory condition or the abnormal accumulation of blood due to the fragility of the walls and valves.

Since they are visible by their reddish or purplish color, they are considered to be an aesthetic problem that affects the image of both women and men. In addition, they often have lumps and tend to appear on visible areas such as the calves and the inner side of the thighs. 

They are more common from the age of 50 or during pregnancy. But there are several factors that can cause their onset from an early age.

Fortunately, there is a wide variety of treatments and cosmetic products. Their effects decrease the size of varicose veins while improving circulatory health. Among the possible options we find a 100% natural treatment that improves this problem without causing unwanted reactions.

It is a natural moisturizer made from olive oil and garlic. It provides important nutrients to relieve inflammation and circulation difficulties. 

Want to learn how to prepare it?

Olive oil and garlic treatment for varicose veins and spiders

remedy for varicose veins and spiders

The combination of olive oil and garlic gives us as result an oily texture lotion. Mixed with a little lemon juice, it therefore significantly reduces the presence of varicose veins and spiders.

This mixture exerts a powerful anti-inflammatory and toning effect which facilitates the reduction of dilated veins to activate the correct passage to the blood flow. 

Its application through circular massages promotes blood circulation. It also activates the lymphatic system and encourages the elimination of toxins that prevent proper oxygenation of cells.

Although it is not a miracle product, its use as a supplement can improve the effects of diet and other habits put in place to eliminate them.

It also has a calming effect which decreases the feeling of tension and pain when the two conditions worsen. 

Despite this, it is still recommended to start treatment as soon as possible. As soon as you notice the first abnormal vein, since the faster it is, the easier they will be to eliminate.

You should know that the results are not obtained from the first application and that it is necessary to be constant in the use to notice them.

How to prepare this natural treatment against varicose veins and spiders?

To prepare this olive oil and garlic treatment, we recommend that you purchase very good quality ingredients. Because inexpensive or discount presentations do not have the same properties.

Choose extra virgin olive oil and garlic on top to make sure that the properties of the treatment will be effective.


  • 12 garlic cloves
  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil (100 g)
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 glass container


  • Peel the garlic cloves, then cut them in half and crush them with a mortar, until you get a paste.
  • Stir the crushed garlic into a glass container and immediately add olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Cover the container tightly and put it in a cool, dark place overnight.
  • The next morning, mix all the ingredients with a wooden utensil
  • Then  filter them through a colander to retain the leftover garlic.

How to use

  • Take a generous amount of the product then rub it on the areas affected by varicose veins and spiders, massaging gently.
  • Make continuous movements and press with your fingertips to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Leave it on and let it absorb for an hour and once the time is up, rinse it off with cold water.
  • Repeat the application at least three times a week, preferably in the evening.

Know that to obtain fast and lasting results, this natural treatment must be combined with daily exercise and a balanced diet. 

These habits not only improve circulatory health, but also decrease excess weight and inflammation, two factors that affect leg health.

Motivate yourself to try at home. You will find that you do not need to spend a lot of money to do away with these cosmetic problems!

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