Treatment For Patients With Bursitis

Do you have bursitis and you don’t know how to deal with it? In this article, you will learn about some of the treatments that can be used to resolve it.

Often, patients with bursitis do not know the cause of their disease. Although it is sometimes due to poor posture, injury or abnormal position of the joints, most of the time its causes are not clear.

In this article, we are going to share with you the different possible treatments for this condition. Read on and learn more about them.

Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa, which is a fluid-filled pocket that serves as a protective pad between muscles and bones in the joints. This inflammation causes pain in the affected area. But not only. Patients also experience a feeling of stiffness, swelling, or redness.

Sometimes the pain is so severe and sharp that patients may resort to pain relievers before they even know what is happening to them. Going to the doctor with these type of symptoms is essential to be able to initiate treatment that ends this problem.

Treatments to fight bursitis

Often times, when patients go to the doctor, they have suffered from an episode of bursitis before. The reason they didn’t seek help is that in mild cases, the bursitis appears and eventually gets better on its own, without the need for treatment.

Sometimes the pain is mistaken for poor posture or makes us think it is a blow we took without realizing it. We often suspect that these are the reasons for the swelling or inflammation we suffer from.

However, after this first episode which can recur, the symptoms are likely to worsen. The pain can become unbearable and bruises and even fever are likely to appear.

In the most severe cases, we may be unable to move the damaged joint. If we do regular physical labor, it can affect our performance.


The first treatments usually given to treat bursitis are drugs. They will help reduce inflammation and pain.

  • If the bursitis is mild, your doctor may recommend that you take pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  • However, if the bursitis is causing debilitating symptoms, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs such as NSAIDs or corticosteroids. These are given to eliminate the excessive inflammation that prevents us from moving the joints.
  • If the cause is an infection, the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic


Sometimes the doctor may think it is appropriate for the patient to undergo therapy. Muscle massage, a personalized exercise program, or the use of ultrasound can greatly improve this condition.

Occupational therapy may also be recommended to prevent future injuries. She will focus on daily habits and certain exercises that will try to prevent the recurrence of bursitis.

Orthopedic devices

Braces will promote recovery by allowing the affected area to rest. This way we will avoid straining the area and making the problem worse.

Splints are generally a great option. However, it will depend on where in our body the bursitis affects us.

In other cases, a cane or other devices will be chosen. Often these devices will be used in therapy to exercise and test new daily habits. This will prevent the area from being forced to present a new case of bursitis.

Optional surgery for bursitis

Despite all the measures taken, the patient could continue to suffer from bursitis quite frequently. In this case, surgery may be considered.

This is a resource that is not often used, as the above methods tend to work very well. In general, with the measures mentioned, the situation improves and it is possible to prevent further episodes.

Before opting for surgery, the doctor may give corticosteroid injections into the affected area to quickly relieve joint pain and reduce inflammation in severe cases.

In many cases, bursitis occurs when we overload the joint where the problem occurs. However, before making any assumptions, it is essential to go to the doctor. Have you ever had bursitis? What was the cause?

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