Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome With An Infusion Of Ginger And Chamomile

Thanks to the antispamodic and anti-inflammatory properties of its ingredients, this infusion is very effective in relaxing intestine and relieve any kind of digestive discomfort. 

Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as irritable bowel syndrome, is a condition characterized by periods of bloating and changes in bowel movement, alternating between episodes of constipation and episodes of diarrhea.

The exact cause is not defined. However, it seems that this syndrome is closely linked to psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and nervousness.

In addition, this syndrome is also linked to hormonal changes, food intolerances and a genetic predisposition.

Although this syndrome is not considered a serious problem, those who suffer from it usually seek treatment. This is because  certain symptoms affect the way of life and, in a few cases, lead to complications.

Fortunately, in addition to medical advice, there are natural remedies. The properties reduce the severity of symptoms, and thus help overcome the disease.

Among these remedies is herbal tea with ginger and chamomile. It is recommended to optimize digestion and reduce inflammation.

You want to try? Discover the recipe!

A ginger and chamomile tea to relieve irritable bowel syndrome

Ginger root and chamomile flowers have both been highly valued foods since ancient times. Thanks to their many medicinal benefits, especially with regard to digestive health.

Both ingredients contain active substances with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and detoxifying effects. Effects that optimize intestinal activity by reducing the discomfort caused by the irritable intestine.

They are foods that are gentle on the stomach. Indeed, they regulate the pH and  neutralize the excessive production of acids in order to avoid irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

The benefits of ginger

Ginger against irritable bowel.

The main active component of ginger is gingerol. This substance gives the tangy taste of ginger. It also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and digestive properties.

  • For centuries, ginger has been used as an alternative remedy for heavy digestion. Indeed,  it facilitates the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste accumulated in the colon.
  • It contains oleoresin, a substance that gives it antacid, laxative, and anti- spasmodic properties .
  • It is a natural carminative, that is to say that it helps to curb the excessive production of gas.
  • It improves blood circulation. In addition, it  promotes the expulsion of toxins that travel through the blood stream.
  • It is one of the best natural remedies for nausea, acidity, and reflux.

The benefits of chamomile

Chamomile flowers against irritable bowel syndrome.

Chamomile flowers are used in alternative medicine as a supplement for pain, abdominal inflammation, and bowel problems.

  • It contains active substances such as organic acids, terpenes, and alcohols which give it anti-inflammatory and calming properties.
  • Chamomile is great for reducing bloating caused by irritable bowels. In addition, it  helps regulate the pH of the entire digestive system.
  • It controls diarrhea and constipation, and also helps reduce gas build-up.
  • It has anti-spasmodic and antacid properties.  Ideal for reducing the feeling of bitterness and heaviness. 
  • It accelerates the process of tissue recovery, especially in cases of irritation of the gastric mucosa and in case of ulcers.

How to prepare a ginger and chamomile tea?

Ginger and chamomile infusion for irritable bowel syndrome.

This infusion is a natural remedy that helps reduce the unpleasant symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

However, despite its benefits, it should be consumed moderately. Indeed, excess ginger can cause opposite reactions.


  • 2 glasses of water (500 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of bee honey (50 g – optional)
  • Ice cubes (optional)

The preparation

  • Boil the water in a saucepan.
  • Once the water has come to a boil, add the grated ginger root and the chamomile flowers.
  • Reduce the heat, and let the plants steep for 2-3 minutes.
  • Then let sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.
  • Pass the preparation through a sieve, and sweeten it with bee honey.
  • Add ice cubes.

The mode of consumption

  • Drink one cup on an empty stomach, then a second cup in the middle of the afternoon.
  • Do this at least three times a week.

Are you battling irritable bowel symptoms? Do you have heavy digestion or constipation problems ? If so, make this natural drink. So you will see for yourself its benefits for gut health.

Obviously, for best results, be sure to maintain a healthy diet that is moderate in fat and irritating foods.

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