Top Tips For Keeping A Young And Lively Brain

Enjoying a young and lively brain for longer is essential for having a better quality of life. To achieve this, we will need to keep it active and feed it adequately.

Having a young and lively brain allows us both to enjoy a better memory but also to be more lucid. However, over the years and with age, the faculties possessed by the brain are reduced. It is for this reason that today we are going to discover some tips to keep it young as long as possible.

The older we get, the more we forget things. In addition, we have more difficulty memorizing. However, we can delay all of this if we practice certain habits.

Exercise, a key element for neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change and adapt to the environment. This is mainly achieved through neurons which can regenerate themselves and create new connections.

Why can physical exercise promote neuroplasticity? When we exercise, our brain flow increases, as does the volume of blood in the brain and the number of blood vessels.

This causes  an increase in oxygen and glucose in the brain, i.e. a greater supply of nutrients that will help the process of cell growth. All of this will therefore improve cognitive processes, which are:

  • Attention
  • Perception
  • Memory

exercise to keep a young and sharp brain

Practicing mindfulness (or mindfulness )

The  mindfulness should be a must to keep our brain young and lively. This practice has multiple benefits, including that of helping us reduce stress. Indeed, while it can be beneficial in low doses, in general, its frequency causes us more harm than anything else.

The impact of stress on our brain is very serious. When we are stressed, cortisol levels rise, causing memory loss. If stress becomes chronic, neurons can be damaged forever.

When our brain receives high doses of cortisol, the connections between neurons are affected. If this is not resolved in time, they may end up dying. This will have a significant impact on our memory.

Keep your mind active

In order to enjoy a young and lively brain, it is not only essential to put into practice everything we have seen previously, but also to keep the mind active. How? ‘Or’ What ? By doing exercises and adopting certain habits:

  • Memorize the phone numbers. Even if it is no longer essential today, it is a good exercise to force the brain to work on its memory. You can also try to memorize other items such as the shopping list or the names of streets in the city where you live.
  • Learn something new: a course, a new language, a word … There are many options at your fingertips to learn something new every day. Choose what works for you and what appeals to you the most.
  • Read Books:  Reading fosters the imagination and has great benefits for the brain. In addition, you will find that when you start to get used to it, you will read faster and faster. It is a very enjoyable activity.
  • Write a diary: Writing by hand in a notebook or diary also helps us to keep the mind active. No need to write a lot, the important thing is to be regular.

Take care of your diet

read to have a young and lively brain

Finally, if we want to keep a young and lively brain, we have to be careful about what we eat. The brain uses glucose as the main energy to function. Therefore it is essential to consume enough carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins …

Lack of an essential nutrient can affect the nervous system, and a poor diet lacking certain vitamins or minerals can cause listlessness, inattention, nervousness or fatigue. That is why we need to feed ourselves adequately.

In addition to all that has been mentioned, it must be remembered that in order to have a young and lively brain, it is necessary not to overwhelm it with concerns, anxieties or pessimism. A mind saturated with negative thoughts can lead us to a state of stress or anxiety.

Seeking well-being, peace, and engaging in activities that can help keep us active and healthy is very important for our brains to be, too. Even if we cannot stop the passing of the years, adopting a number of measures to age in a healthy way is up to us.

So do not wait until you are old enough to put these tips into practice, because it may be too late for them to bear fruit. So start building good habits now.

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