Tomato Treatment For Oily Skin And Acne

Tomato treatments can help fight acne and excess fat production. How to use them? What should be taken into consideration? We explain everything to you here.

Tomato treatment for oily skin and acne is an alternative solution to help us keep skin soft and free from impurities. Although it is necessary to consult a dermatologist with the slightest skin problem, these natural aids can be useful as supplements.

Oily skin and acne can be the result of hormonal imbalances, certain medications, stress and many other factors. As this publication from the  Canadian Medical Association Journal explains , finding an effective treatment is not easy.

Today we have many topical products and systemic therapies that can help us achieve better skin. Nevertheless, a doctor should prescribe these treatments depending on the type of acne and the type of skin. Learn more about the tomato treat here.

The great benefits of tomato treatment for the skin

The idea that the tomato is a good treatment for the skin comes from popular beliefs. Although some studies show the positive effects of tomato on the skin, this evidence is not yet sufficient. Moreover, no study shows that the tomato is an effective product to treat acne.

Nevertheless, thanks to its high water and antioxidant content, tomato seems a good option for regulating excess fat production and preventing pore clogging. It thus helps reduce blackheads and pimples. 

Moreover, as this study published on  Scientific Reports specifies , its lycopene content would be beneficial in mitigating the effects of oxidative stress and ultraviolet rays. Regular use of tomato treatment could therefore help reduce the risk of premature aging. Have you decided to test this trit?

Tomato treatment, an effective treatment to cleanse pores

There are many causes of large pores. Although it is not possible to “close” them, it is possible to reduce their appearance with proper cleaning. In addition to the products intended for this purpose, we suggest you test the tomato-based mask below.

Tomato mask
The tomato cannot close the pores. However, thanks to its water and antioxidant content, it helps improve the appearance of large pores.


  • 1 tablespoon of tomato pulp (16 g)
  • 2 teaspoons of bee honey (10 g)
  • 1 cotton disc


  • Mix the ingredients in a small container.
  • Apply the mixture to the face using a cotton disc in small circular movements.
  • Leave it on for about fifteen minutes, then rinse with cold water. Repeat this simple beauty ritual every morning.

A tomato-based treatment for acne

There are many causes of acne. To find an effective treatment, it is therefore necessary to consult a dermatologist. Of course, it is possible to supplement conventional treatment with natural remedies. Thanks to the properties of tomatoes, tomato-based treatments are generally good supplements.


  • A tomato cut in half.


  • To heal the inflamed acne, it is enough to apply half a tomato on the face by performing a small circular massage so that it soaks up well.
  • Leave it on for about fifteen minutes and rinse with cold water.

Note : Apply sunscreen after applying this remedy. 

A tomato treatment for oily skin

The excessive production of fat can be the consequence of a hormonal imbalance, a genetic disorder or related to an environmental factor. A tomato mask will not help you completely solve the problem, but it is a good supplement to improve the appearance of the skin temporarily.

Oily skin
It is advisable to consult a dermatologist when seeking a treatment to control very oily skin. However, a tomato mask can temporarily improve the appearance of the skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of tomato pulp (16 g)
  • 10 cucumber slices (50 g)


  • Peel the tomato, the cucumber and put everything in your blender. You can mix them to make it easier and faster, or mash them with a fork. It’s up to you to decide what’s best for you.
  • Put the mixture in a small bowl and, using a cotton ball, moisten your face in small touches.
  • Leave it on for twenty minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.
  • Do this three times a week.

Stop everything if your skin reacts

There is no strong scientific evidence to support the benefits of topical application of tomato on the skin. Thus, as with any product, it is advisable to use the tomato with caution : carry out an allergy test on a small area of ​​the skin.

For most people, tomato is a reliable ingredient that can be used on a regular basis. If there is an unfavorable reaction, do not use the tomato.

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