To Be Happy, You Have To Make Decisions: 5 Keys To Achieve It

It is essential that the decisions we make are not based solely on the pursuit of personal well-being, but also on common happiness so that they are reflected as a whole in our life. William James, a famous 20th-century philosopher and psychologist, establishes a truth that, despite the passage of time, is still relevant today:  to be happy, you have to make decisions.

Happiness is like trying to keep balance on a table: a step forward or a step back makes us lose our balance. Our main objective is therefore to make judicious decisions that will allow us to maintain this perfect point of balance.

However, we all know that it is not as easy said as it is done. There are situations that cause us to go forward more than we should. This is when fear arises and that unpleasant feeling that we are losing control of our life.

Sometimes our own thoughts make us back down. We get stuck on a point in our past that causes us to lose our calm, our security and our inner tranquility.

We invite you to discover below what are the five essential keys that will allow you to make effective and appropriate decisions in order to be be happy

1. A new thought, a more powerful feeling

Sometimes the most important thing that can happen to us is to learn to modify our thoughts to perceive reality better and to feel better emotions.

As positive psychology explains to us,  to be happy we have to believe that we deserve it.

It seems simple on the surface, and can completely change our daily life:

  • Change your thoughts so that the negative and stressful facts that happen to you do not turn into a wall or an obstacle in your path.
    Clearly, a less fatalistic perspective allows us to face life’s events with more integrity.
  • Losing your job, for example, can be traumatic news. However, it sometimes forces us to start from scratch, and even to start certain projects that will prove to be much more productive.
  • Breaking up with our spouse, arguing with a friend and losing him… These are difficult situations that force us to fight a duel. These moments, which are essential for our personal growth, nevertheless teach us to be stronger.

Making the decision to continue paving our way and our happiness, one philosopher’s stone after another, will allow us to grow whatever the situation arises.

2. The ability to persist

To persist does not mean to endure facts that hurt us or to remain unmoved in the face of adversity.

To persist also means to struggle, to draw strength from weakness, and most importantly, to be more resilient.

  • Neuropsychologists tell us that our brains are designed to analyze all the negative events that happen to us and to learn from adversity. 
    We are stronger than we think
    , this is a fact that we must never forget.

3. Focus all your attention on the “here and now”to be happy

Many mental health experts tell us about the great benefits of meditation and yoga.

If you are not really keen on doing this type of exercise, feel free to adopt such easy habits as going for a walk, going for a walk, or being quiet and calm in a calming environment.

If we get into the habit of focusing on ourselves and being calm, we will live fully in the present.

Therefore, we will be able to identify the goals that are important to us and where our happiness lies.

4. Gratitude and humility

To be happy, we have to make decisions and above all, be humble.

Desiring things that are beyond our reach causes pain and frustration.

  • To discredit every beautiful thing that happens around us is like putting on dark glasses that obscure our ability to be happy.
  • Our family, the health of those close to us, the joy of children, the company of our beloved animal… these are all aspects for which we should be grateful day in and day out.

5. Being able to give and receive happiness

Sometimes people fall into a certain “happiness materialism” where every strategy, every action and every thought is meant to fuel happiness.

Little by little, these people get bogged down in a selfish lifestyle. However, this is not the recipe for happiness, far from it.

  •  Happiness is like an energy that increases if it is shared.  We must be able to give happiness and in return, know how to accept it from others.
  • There is nothing more rewarding than making decisions that will benefit everyone, that will not harm anyone, and that will allow everyone to understand that  life is good when one is in search of a good. -be common.

Finally, one of the most beautiful wishes we all aspire to is to come to that subtle point of balance in our lives where we can say “I’m fine, I don’t want anything more”.

This feeling is a mixture of inner peace, personal maturity, well-being, and of course, happiness.

Never hesitate to make the right decisions, the ones dictated by your heart.

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