Tips For Having Stronger Nails

If your nails break easily and you have a lot of trouble getting them evened out, don’t hesitate to read this article. Find out how to have stronger nails and get great looking hands worthy of a nail polish ad.

To have stronger nails and prettier hands, it is important that you take care of them on a daily basis.

You probably didn’t pay attention to it until you noticed the condition of your hands.

It’s not about fixing a one-off problem as quickly as possible, but about doing some sort of monitoring of their condition every day.

It is vital to take care of, protect and hydrate them.

Why are my nails fragile?

Below we will explain some of the reasons why your nails can break easily:

  • Use very powerful cleaning products, without wearing gloves (for example, when doing the dishes).
  • Shower with very hot water.
  • Use your fingernails to open or scratch things.
  • Have yeast infection (onychomycosis).
  • Gnaw on or play with them, putting your fingers in your mouth all the time.
  • File them too violently.
  • Varnish them constantly.
  • Suffer from nutritional deficiencies.
  • To smoke.
  • Not hydrating them enough.

When your nails are not healthy, they cannot grow evenly. They are irregular, they do not have their natural color, they are scaly, opaque or yellowish. And above all, they break at the slightest blow (or even for no apparent reason).nails

It is important to pay attention to the reasons why our nails are sick and unhealthy.

In this way, it will be easier to carry out an intensive and effective treatment.

Tips to avoid having fragile nails

Do the dishes with gloves

Any household chore should be done with gloves on.

Soaps, cleansers, or other cleaning items affect them negatively because chemicals soften them and make them more sensitive.

If possible, try to wash the plates only once a day and not leave your hands in the water for too long.

Eat more protein

Like hair, nails are also made of protein.

For this reason, if you do not eat properly, they will be unhealthy and break easily.

Review your daily diet if they are fragile. In this case, eat white meats and soy.

Increase your intake of fatty acids

This way your nails and skin will be healthier.

However, the fats must be “good”. That is to say, they must come from dried fruits such as nuts, vegetables in general, milk or butter. Do not hesitate to consume oil or flax seeds.

Fix them right away

Do not leave a nail damaged or with a cut for too long.

File it as soon as possible to prevent them from breaking again.

Some people use liquid glue to fix them when they break.

This technique should be used in an emergency, not always.

Short nails, less problems

We already know that long nails are very pretty, but unfortunately we cannot all have them the same length as we would like.

It is best to cut them at finger height to prevent them from breaking.

Don’t always varnish them

One of the most used techniques for having beautiful nails is to varnish them permanently.

However, this is not good for your health. When they cannot “breathe” well, it can weaken or break them.

So, once a week, remove your polish and give them a little rest. 

If you don’t like how they look or are worried they might break, leave them uncoated overnight and the next morning varnish them again.

You can also take advantage of the weekend to leave them “natural”.

Also, be very careful about what type of nail polish remover you use, as acetone (the main ingredient) is very strong and can damage them.

It is best to use a nail polish remover that is as natural as possible or made on an oil basis.

Watch out for magic solutions

Chances are you’ve thought about using artificial nails or hardeners.

It is a good option for a special occasion like a wedding, an important party or an event, but don’t use them all the time.

Indeed, artificial nails are applied with glue.

This can cause yeast infection and prevent the nails from breathing naturally.

Nails are not tools

Using them as tools easily breaks them.

Do not use them to open a button, to remove a label, to open a tin can, etc.

For this, there are special tools like scissors, spatulas, knives etc.nails

Do a manicure once a week. No need to go to the beauty salon and spend a lot of money.

Take advantage of your weekends to do intensive care of your hands and nails!

Remove the varnish, exfoliate with a mixture of salt and olive oil, file them, put cream to moisturize them with massages from the cuticles to the top, let them dry well and then varnish- them as usual.

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