Time Takes Pain With It

We often feel that wounds of the soul will never heal. But the only thing we need to heal them is time. They will stay, of course, but they will no longer hurt.

No matter how badly you’ve been done, how much you’ve suffered. Ultimately, time takes the pain with it.

There are many phrases that refer to the space we need to turn a wound into a scar. It is an injury that will mark us forever, but which will never make us feel anything again.

We tend to look for the solution here and now. We want an effective remedy with which we can skip a stage of mourning or a period of suffering.

But it doesn’t work that way, let alone when our feelings and emotions get involved. It is necessary to give time to time.

Time and seeing a new perspective

Time and seeing a new perspective.

Our emotions cloud our sight and make us blind. This is why when we are spectators facing a situation, there are many things that we do not understand.

Think, for example, of those abused people who come back with their spouse and even justify his bad actions against them.

You, as the person who sees what is going on, you don’t understand why they are not complaining and doing nothing. Why isn’t she asking for help? And yet, maybe in his situation, you would have acted the same way.

The abused person has opposite feelings and is the victim of constant manipulation. Her lack of self-esteem and her emotions lead her to not know how to make decisions.

Why does she tend to justify her attacker? Quite simply, because her emotions made her blind. It is not the same to see a situation from a determined perspective as it is to experience it in your own flesh.

This is why when adversities arise in our life, it is important to give them time. By taking a step back and giving them a little time, we will be able to analyze them better.

When you find yourself in an extreme situation, you fail to act or speak the way you would like to? It’s because your emotions are controlling you.

What hurts today will stop hurting you tomorrow

What hurts today will stop hurting you over time.

Even though your life was difficult in the past, today you are a new person.

Even if you have been through abuse, if you have been unemployed for a long time, or if someone you love has left you, you are not going through it all like before.

Our emotions do not last over time. We are not sad for a whole year, and we cannot spend a whole day completely happy.

This is because emotions fluctuate and change. What happens when an emotion continues? We may be dealing with a case of depression or a disorder that needs to be controlled.

Maybe your spouse has been unfaithful to you and it has hurt you tremendously. You’ve been through a long period of not trusting anyone, but it hasn’t been forever. Finally, you overcame it.

What hurts you today will stop hurting you tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or next month. We are different and we all need more or less time to heal our wounds.

Everything has its share of positive

Even if you think about the most terrible situation you have ever experienced, there is a positive lesson to be learned from it.

The first is undoubtedly being able to learn. If you stumble over the same rock every time, you want to. If you can not solve the problem, you will at least be able to cope with it better.

The second is that you come out stronger. Any problem or adversity will always make you stronger than before, more courageous.

The third is that you will know yourself better. What happens to us tests us and helps us discover how we deal with unusual circumstances and situations.

Pain does not make you more fragile, it makes you stronger. It is something that you only feel, and that over time, goes away.

When you look behind you, you won’t feel the same and maybe even think, “I was stupid to do this, I should have done it differently.”

Yet if you hadn’t been through this moment, you would never have thought about it and you would never have changed the way you view the situation.

We are not born learned, but we never stop learning.

Remember that the days of suffering are always numbered.

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