Things Not To Say To People With Depression

Even though we don’t know what happens to someone with depression, we shouldn’t question their condition nor underestimate the importance of this disease.

Supporting people with depression can be complicated.

Sometimes it is tempting to walk away from the person instead of venturing to say things that could make their condition worse.

Above all, don’t do this: the person with this disorder needs you more than ever.

You just need to keep some well-meaning phrases in mind that will make a difference to your loved one who suffers from depression.

The last thing a depressed person needs is to feel the incomprehension of others about their emotional state.

Here are the phrases you should never say to people with depression.

“Why can’t you just be happy?”

Depression causes the mind to totally distort the world around it  and fill it with negativity and sadness. Talking about happiness to a depressed person can be totally destructive because they cannot conceive of it.

There is no quick fix to depression, and insisting on changing quickly can reinforce negative feelings.

“Therapies and medications are essential for those who suffer from depression.”

People with depression are afraid to seek help because of the disorder caused by the illness they are suffering from. They are afraid to expose what they feel because we live in a culture that only values ​​people who are happy.

Taking medication is also a cause of stress, as it is the subject of controversy due to preconceptions, risks of addiction or side effects. All this causes in the depressed person a fear of altering his mind and completely losing his sanity.

It is important to mention the idea of ​​therapy, but never force a person to take this path.

People with depression need a moment to make this choice.

“You just have to focus on getting better.”

People who are not depressed do not know the effects of the loss of physical and mental energy caused by this disease.

Thinking of helping a loved one who suffers from this disorder, we may be tempted to tell him that he only has to get out of bed to travel, to see people and to have fun.

Although this phrase may sound positive, it increases the hopelessness that people with depression may experience. They are the first to want to get out of their situation, but they don’t know how.

Their state of mind, thoughts and behaviors are no longer under their control, especially if they are suffering from severe depression.

“It’s not that bad, other people are in more terrible situations.”

Depression problems.

No one wants to be compared to children who live in conflict zones or to people who suffer from serious illnesses.

Why would we want to do this to people with depression? Do you really think it could make them feel better?

Those who suffer from depression have psychotic and delusional thoughts. If you insist on comparing them to other people who are in terrible situations, they are going to feel all the worse.

While your intention can be laudable, you will fail to help them by saying these words.

“Everything will be better tomorrow.”

This condition cannot improve overnight. This inordinate expectation can be very harmful to people who suffer from depression.

Only those who have already experienced a depressive episode really know how deep the pain inflicted by this condition is. All is more than suffering and despair.

It is only with the right medical help that it is possible to overcome a depressive state, but it takes time. Saying these kinds of sentences will only worsen the condition of the person affected by this disorder.

“It’s your fault.”

We are constantly making judgments based solely on our personal values. But many times we are very poorly informed about depression and our opinions can be biased.

Depression has always been associated with sin.

This condition would be a punishment for the person who would have broken the laws of the gods. Nowadays, this archaic idea persists, and some people are not shy to tell it to depressed people around them.

This attitude can have dramatic consequences and seriously worsen the condition of people who suffer from depression.

“Don’t be so negative.”

It is difficult to be close to someone who suffers from depression. Her low energy and gloomy mood can infect others, causing them to tend to move away.

The best way to help a person in this situation is to show solidarity with them, to give them all our support so that they can find the necessary resources to face their problem.

Depression is a serious problem

No, depression is not only psychological and cannot be cured in a specific time. It also has no reason to be exact.

Depression causes those who suffer from it to no longer make sense of their existence, because of many diverse and varied factors, such as family problems, the death of a loved one or professional failures, among others.

Depression is a daily struggle for those who suffer from it. Keep this in mind when seeking advice for people with depression. So as not to break them down and try to help them.

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