“The Secretary’s Pain”: How To Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In order to avoid this problem, you should take regular breaks when working at your computer, so that you can do some stretching. arms, as well as exercises with your hands and wrists.

This syndrome is well known and affects people who spend their entire day on the computer. Carpal tunnel syndrome has its source in the bones that make up the wrist (an area called the carpal bone ).

In this article, we are going to share with you some information about this issue and some techniques to deal with it permanently.

Everything you need to know about “secretary sickness”

Talking about this subject in a strictly medical way, we can say that it is a “ cumulative trauma caused by constant and repetitive movements which create tensions in the hand and in the wrist”.

This means that when we perform a daily activity that requires mobility in this area of ​​the body, it is possible to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome.

By sleeping with both hands folded under the body or under a pillow, it is also possible to get this syndrome.

In addition, many sports activities can cause this carpal tunnel condition, such as tennis or weight lifting.

This problem inflames the tendons and compresses the median nerve, just at the intersection between the bones in the wrist and the ligaments in the hand.

Carpal tunnel pain.

The most common symptoms of this syndrome are:

  • Numbness in the thumb, index and middle fingers.
  • Ants in the hands and in the wrists.
  • Pain in the hands or wrists.
  • A night fall asleep in the area.
  • Fragility when carrying objects.
  • A feeling of warmth in the fingers.
  • Pain that spreads to the elbows.
  • Coordination problems or difficulty performing skillful movements with the hands.
  • Always cold hands.

While we can all suffer from this carpal tunnel problem, those most affected are usually women between the ages of 40 and 60.

Remedies for carpal tunnel.

Recommendations to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome

If you have some of the symptoms that we have presented to you previously, and you do not want the problem to get worse over time, we recommend that you improve some of your lifestyle habits, which may be useful. origin of this syndrome.

It can be very difficult to change jobs or stop using your hands. However, you can improve your condition if you follow the following recommendations.

Keep your hand in a neutral position

The ideal position for your hand or wrist is a relaxed position.

For this, your computer keyboard should be oriented in such a way that your forearms are fully rested and you do not need to bend them.

You will also experience less pain in your arms, shoulders, neck or back.

Grasp objects with your whole hand

Avoid doing this work to just one or two of your fingers. If you only use your index, thumb or middle finger, the pressure on your wrist will increase.

Try to use your whole hand, and alternate between right and left.

Exercise for the carpal tunnel.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

It is essential that the veins in your body are healthy and that your blood circulates normally throughout your body.

In this way, it will be able to pass through your hands and wrists without encountering any obstacle.

To decrease the impact of the syndrome, remember to sleep well, exercise regularly, not smoke, avoid sedentary lifestyle and eat a healthy diet.

Pay attention to ergonomics

There are different items that are designed to provide more comfort to the hands and wrists.

For example, some keyboards incorporate this problem, and there are mouse pads with a small foam protuberance to rest the wrists.

In this way, you will slightly reduce the pressure on your hands and wrists as you work.

If your business does not provide one, feel free to purchase some.

Do localized exercises

It is necessary to do exercises with your wrists to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome.

Here are some interesting options that may help you:

  • Draw circles with your wrists. Point your palms down, then outward.
    Do 5 repetitions of this exercise with your right wrist, then 5 more with your left wrist.
  • Stretch your fingers out as far as possible, then hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise at least 3 times a day.
  • Stretch your thumbs. Grasp your right thumb with your left hand, then stretch your thumb as far as it will go towards the back of your hand, until you feel a little tension.
    Don’t be too abrupt, as you could dislocate your bone, and it is a very painful experience.
  • Shake your hands. Make a good fist, as hard as possible. You can do this using a small rubber ball.
    Squeeze then release about ten times a day with each hand.
    You can do this while you’re on the phone, watching a movie, or traveling on the subway.
  • Lift weights.  Always have a dumbbell up to 2 kilos at your disposal. You can buy one, or craft it with a water bottle filled with sand, or soil.
    Sit in front of a table, rest your forearms on it and keep your hand suspended.
    Grab the weight, then lift it and lower it using only the strength of your wrist. Repeat this operation 10 times, then change wrists.

Natural remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome

Did you know that there are healing juices that can help you reduce symptoms of secretary sickness?

Discover some of them in the rest of this article!

Pineapple, orange and grapefruit juice

You should drink a glass of this juice every 3 days as a preventive measure, if you are working on a computer or if you perform repetitive activities.

If you are already suffering from the symptoms previously mentioned, we recommend that you consume them daily.


  • A peeled pineapple slice
  • 1 orange
  • 1 grapefruit


  • Extract the juice from the citrus fruits, then cut the pineapple slice into pieces.
  • Put everything in a blender, then mix everything well. You can add some ice cubes.
  • Filter and drink immediately.

Cabbage, green apple and lime juice

This is another great recipe to contain the symptoms of this problem and to reap all the benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables.


  • 1 kale leaf
  • 2 green apples
  • A little water


  • Cut the apples after peeling them.
  • Put the pieces with the cabbage and a little water in a blender.
  • Blend and filter before drinking this mixture daily.

Carpal tunnel care.

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