The Pancreas And Its Problems: 6 Symptoms

80% of cases of pancreatitis are due to gallstones, and bad habits such as excessive consumption of fat or alcohol.

The pancreas is an essential organ for our body. It is therefore imperative to know the reasons and symptoms that can cause a dysfunction at its level in order to prevent possible more serious complications.

In addition, pancreatitis greatly affects our digestive functions, a subject that we will also develop in the next few lines.

The pancreas is located behind the stomach and its function is to produce enzymes. Insulin and glucagon are also very important for digestion, which get to the small intestine and help assimilate food.

Therefore, the alteration of this organ causes quite serious effects, especially since these same enzymes can turn against the pancreas and attack it!

How do you know if you have a problem with your pancreas?

The pancreas and its problems

1. Pain

Pain appears in the upper abdomen and behind the stomach. In addition, you should know that this pain appears only in the left area and under the ribs, causing a burning sensation.

  • This pain can appear right after eating or drinking. It can be felt especially after consuming a dish rich in fat.
  • This pain can start a day after eating, and it can spread and last day by day and become more severe.
  • The pain is more intense when sleeping on your back, because this position interferes with the pancreas and gives it the feeling of being suffocated.
  • The pain extends to the back or under the left shoulder blade.

2. fever

The enzymes that are attacking the pancreas cause inflammation, which will raise your temperature. It is better to consult a doctor in this kind of case since it could be an infection.

3. Nausea

They can be accompanied by vomiting, which causes our digestive system to be disturbed and food not to digest well as it should. Result: the pancreas suffers from inflammation.

4. Headaches

Feeling tired, irritable, having trouble concentrating or having frequent headaches are a sign that our immune system is under attack and that the effects of this weakness are felt immediately.

5. Weight loss

Food is poorly assimilated, which means that we no longer get the right nutrients. In fact, our pancreas is bothered by gallstones, or is destroyed by its own enzymes. It is therefore normal that people who suffer from a disease associated with this organ can begin to lose weight.

6. Tachycardia

Our heart rate quickens, we get tired easily, and we start to breathe very quickly. Also, it means that our body suffers from weakness and that our immune system does not have enough energy anymore, which causes the heart to work harder than usual: we get out of breath and our heart beats. are at an abnormal level.

Why does the pancreas get sick?

The pancreas and its problems

Concretely, statistics say that 80% of pancreatitis is caused by gallstones and poor health habits . In addition, gallstones are responsible for blocking the ducts and preventing the pancreas from performing its functions properly!

Then, when it comes to diet, high consumption of fat and alcohol always ends up damaging this organ. However, there are also other causes that can affect the pancreas such as kidney failure, lupus, cysts, and the consumption of certain medications.

How to take care of your pancreas?

The pancreas and its problems

  • Limit  the consumption of sugar and refined flour
  • Stop smoking, this habit could cause pancreatic cancer.
  • Avoid alcohol,  as alcohol could pose a serious risk to your pancreas if you consume it in large amounts.
  • Eat foods high in fiber, especially whole grains.
  • Avoid  the consumption of red meat.
  • Eat mostly cruciferous vegetables:  broccoli, cauliflower, watercress and Brussels sprouts are very beneficial in healing our pancreas and preventing cancer.
  • Avoid  gaining weight
  • Try to prevent diabetes.
  • Finally, protein intake is essential to treat or prevent pancreatic diseases. You should try to consume the proteins found in vegetables and fish or even turkey, known to be very low in fat.

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