The Incredible Benefits Of 20 Minutes Of Walking A Day

Even though you might find it hard to believe, 20 minutes of walking can benefit your cardiovascular health, and improve basic functions like attention, memory or information processing.

You already know the benefits that exercising on a daily basis can bring you. But walking 20 minutes a day can have incredible benefits.

Exercising your body every day, through sports activity, keeps you healthy. But it also allows you to take care of your weight.

However, it is not always easy to find free time, due to work and daily obligations.

In this article, you’ll see that only 20 minutes of walking per day, it is possible to obtain windfall profits.

In fact, by including this very healthy and simple exercise in your routine, you will significantly increase your quality of life.

We will therefore explain to you why it is worth making this habit.

The benefits of 20 minutes of walking per day

20 minutes of walking per day

It is an ideal exercise for the morning, or the evening, when the sun is not very strong.

A 20 minute daily walk is very easy to set up.

Thus, a simple walk of less than half an hour a day can allow you to take care of your health in exceptional proportions.

The University of Illinois in the United States conducted a study on the subject published in 2013 in the journal “Neuroscience”. Discover all the conclusions of this research below.

1. 20 minutes of walking allows cognitive improvements

  • Taking a 20-minute walk a day improves our cognitive functions. The brain gets oxygen and relaxes, it gets new stimuli. It also receives a better blood supply and can better promote the synthesis of endorphins (feel-good hormones).
  • If you are consistent, basic brain functions like concentration, memory, and information processing will improve dramatically.
  • Sometimes we all fall into a routine in which monotony affects our performance and motivation.
    20 minutes of walking a day allows you to get closer to nature, or even to the city, activates our heart and our brain.

2.20 minutes of walking is an excellent treatment for depression

  • People who go through periods of demotivation, or depression, prefer to put themselves in situations that stimulate them weakly : little light, no noise, no social contact, etc.
    Going out for a walk can dramatically improve their condition and relationship with the outside world.
  • Walking, taking deep breaths, and activating the heart at a faster rate than usual is relaxing for the brain.
    It is precisely in this state of well-being that we can begin to relativize our thoughts.
    We see things in a different way, through a less negative lens. Our personal problems seem less serious and less important than usual.
  • If you get into the good habit of going out for a 20 minute walk a day, you will not only be good for your physical health, you will also fill your mind with positive emotions that will help you cope better with depression, if you ever do. suffer.

3. A simple way to take care of your heart

  • First of all, 20 minutes of walking is perfect for taking care of your cardiovascular health. This will strengthen your heart and its ability to pump blood.
  • The arteries will also become more elastic and will be able to dilate better. In this way, the circulation of the blood will be more efficient, and all areas of your body will be better supplied with water.
  • Did you know that with this very healthy habit you can also fight high blood pressure. Does this matter how old you are?
    Walking 20 minutes a day also helps prevent many diseases, which appear due to heredity.
  • This habit finally helps prevent the onset of diabetes, because it improves the activity of our metabolism and the level of sugar in the blood. 

4. The other benefits of this healthy habit

  • Did you know that a 20-minute daily walk helps strengthen our bone system ? Indeed, no need to make great efforts, or even to tire.
    Just walking can prevent diseases like osteoporosis.
  • Walking also helps facilitate intestinal transit. This therefore helps prevent people from suffering from constipation.
    This also helps to purify the body better but also to optimize digestive functions.
  • Regular walking also strengthens the legs. Women are more likely than men to suffer from blood circulation problems, varicose veins, knee wear, etc.
    A simple daily walk will strengthen and harden the muscles and bones of the legs. You can prevent many health problems in this way.


It’s never too late to start building this habit in your life.

It doesn’t matter if you are not used to exercising. A simple daily walk is something very easy to achieve.

You only have to devote 20 minutes a day to it. During this moment, you will disconnect from everything around you, and relax.

Put on good shoes that support your feet properly, then choose comfortable clothes. Also take a water bottle with you to keep yourself well hydrated.

You have to start at a very leisurely pace, only to gradually accelerate, without ever running.

It is simply a matter of walking normally for 15 minutes, to finish with 5 minutes of a little more intense effort.

The ideal is to walk 2 kilometers per day. If you start to make this excellent habit, you will be taking care of your health like never before. This will make you feel very good in your body.

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