The Example Of Little Red Riding Hood: Facing Your Fears, To Put On The Skin Of The Wolf

Without a doubt, our worst fears and fears are the ones that we ourselves create in our mind. Stop poisoning yourself with the past, focus on the positive, and keep moving forward.

Fears are like those predators that hide in the woods of our daily environment. They watch us, they spy on us and attack us when we least expect it. Like a hungry lone wolf.

We often feel very vulnerable, like Little Red Riding Hood. As a rite of passage, we often have to immerse ourselves in unfamiliar environments in order to be able to take new steps in our existence.

To live is to explore. It is having to fight on a daily basis against our own insecurities and against our fears, which try to try to prevent us from moving forward.

It is only in this way that we will be able to become independent people. People who are not fooled by others, who trust their intuition and their own experience.

We invite you to learn how to become that person here. To let go of the chaperone of your fears and embrace your inner wolf to free yourself completely, to become so strong that no one will be able to defeat you anymore.

Your fears are your predatorshis fears

Fears have a very specific purpose for our survival. They allow us to be on the alert. They are our mechanisms for detecting dangers that may be in our immediate surroundings.

  • Once our brain detects a threat hanging over us, it orders a surge in our adrenaline levels. This neurotransmitter speeds up our heart rate. It also tightens our muscles to allow us to escape more quickly.
  • Long ago, these mechanisms were intended to protect us against the multiple very real predators that made up our immediate environment.
  • However, nowadays these threats and predators have almost all disappeared. The dangers we now face are more related to our inner life.

The XXIst century is marked by the predominance of these interior predators which interfere in our head, or in the relations that we have with our partner and our friends.

It is essential to know how to identify and recognize them, whether internal or external. They can literally steal our happiness, our dignity, our courage, our balance and the harmony we need to live in peace in our environment.

The predator hidden in your insecurity

We all have rights, we all have a voice, we all have virtues and strengths.

However, sometimes we put aside our qualities. We lower our heads and stumble over what others say about us. Or quite simply on what they expect from us.

  • Becoming the puppets of the needs imposed on us by others can be extremely damaging to our dignity. The latter will indeed gradually disappear.
  • We should not blame others for our misfortune. The predator we have to fight is in our hearts, not in others.

We need to be able to put on a wolf skin to regain our courage. To run again in complete freedom and to implement an assertiveness alone capable of ensuring the respect of others.

The outer predator who whispers to you: ” You can’t, you don’t know, you don’t deserve it

In our daily life, in the personal maps in which we move on a daily basis, hide, almost strategically, different predators that can hurt us extremely.

  • Sometimes it’s our own family. It prevents us from growing. It puts barriers to our right to be the masters of our destiny and our own choices.
  • On other occasions, it is our relationship that prevents us from moving forward. There is more domination than love. More manipulation than tenderness.
  • Other contexts can also put us in danger: our work, our children or school contexts. They often diminish our right to be unique and different. Our right to do things as we wish and to demonstrate the extent of our capabilities.

There are also predators of all kinds. The most present and the most widespread, however, are those who try to cut off our wings and undermine our freedoms.

The predator who ties you to the past and keeps you from moving forward

We are all made of our own stories, of our entire past. However, if everything that happened yesterday defines us, it does not determine us.

  • One of the worst inner predators is the one that clings to our past and prevents us from moving forward, from transforming ourselves into stronger people.
  • Keeping moving forward also means leaving a lot of the stones of our past behind. Not to keep carrying them in our emotional backpack.
  • It is therefore necessary to free ourselves from this burden through acceptance and forgiveness. Through this personal confrontation which leads us to keep only the best of what there is in us and to abandon our bad memories.

We also need to be resilient, accept our past and become wiser wolves, who look to their future with hope and no fear.

Predators that deprive us of oxygen, tranquility and happiness

Some predators grab us in their pessimistic clutches, totally destroy our motivation, and fill us with constant concern.

  • These predators are stealing our calm. They are the artisans of our bad mood and plunge us into storms so terrible that they are capable of totally ruining our happiness.
  • Know how to identify them, recognize their manifestations and learn to manage the impact they can have on your life, to be able to better manage this negativity that sometimes invades you. Learn to feel at peace and to stay away from all that is toxic.

We suggest that you implement all these tips, which will allow you to stop being this shy and ingenuous Little Red Riding Hood. Become a wiser person, more energetic, more alive and able to transform his reality to be happy.

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