The Big Mistakes Of Dependent People

Dependent people are unable to live alone, without being in a relationship. When they end a relationship, they quickly look for someone to fill that void they feel.

The problem with addicts is that they need someone to supplement them. So when the other leaves, they find themselves helpless.

Sometimes their relationships are not based on love, but on need. Over time, this causes boredom, arguments and ultimately weariness.

However, addicts are not aware of having a problem until anxiety, hopelessness and unhappiness are present.

It is when this happens that they try to break out of this circle of dependence. A complicated situation that does not turn out to be so easy.

Addicts are unable to set limits

Addicts are unable to set limits

Limits are necessary in almost all aspects of our life. For example, you may like to drink alcohol, but you know that if you do it in excess or every day, your health will suffer.

In relationships with dependent people, they always end up giving in to things they don’t like. They do this so as not to lose to the person who is by their side.

This is why they end up being abused people, whose self-esteem is very low. People who do not express themselves sincerely for fear of rejection.

They leave out what they really need to avoid feeling empty again.

The world revolves around the “loved” person

Dependent people are very different depending on who they are with. It happens because they change depending on who they have by their side.

Anyone will tell you that even if you are dating someone, the things that you used to enjoy doing before you can and should keep doing them. However, a dependent person changes.

She begins to embrace each other’s tastes, leaving behind what she loved to do before.

The world revolves around the loved one

It is also the beginning of an obsessive-compulsive feeling of thinking about the person’s needs all the time, doing things for them.

Your life adjusts to your partner, changing completely. A circumstance that has no reason to exist.

Why is this happening? Because dependent people do not see themselves as two independent subjects who share a common life. They see the relationship as two individuals that merge into one.

Your happiness does not depend on you

When being happy or sad begins to depend on the other’s behavior towards you, we are faced with a big problem.

Suddenly you stop being the master of your emotions, this great responsibility begins to be controlled by the other.

A nasty word, your partner who ignores you… All of this will cause a pleasant day to turn into a dark and melancholy day.

You cannot pretend that your emotions fluctuate based on the other person. She’s not you, she’s not in control of your feelings.

However, you allow all of this even if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Dependent people can’t stand being abandoned

Dependent people can't stand being abandoned

It doesn’t mean that you never did, even if it was you who took the first step. Surely you have done this before when you had someone else waiting for you.

An emotionally dependent person never leaves their partner unless they know, for sure, that they have a new substitute.

In case this is not the case, she lives in constant fear of being abandoned, which is why the needs of the other take precedence over her own and that she does everything to please him.

To put it another way, she submits.

This generates an urgency for the control of the situation which, sometimes, is impossible. When this is the case, there arises anguish, anxiety and hopelessness.

You know you’re not happy, but you can’t leave

Although you say you are, in reality you don’t know what it is to be happy. Anytime you find yourself alone you suffer from a panic attack.

People have become a drug that you cling to for your daily dose. If they let you go, you can’t stand the abstinence syndrome.

If you are or have been dependent, you should not think that there is no solution. Your problem is that you don’t see the situation from another perspective.

Start trying to be alone, so that you don’t get attached to someone just so you don’t feel empty .

It’s hard, but who said it’s easy to get rid of an addiction?

As you learn to be good with yourself, you can be with someone without needing to be.

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