The Benefits Of Turmeric In The Fight Against Cancer

Discover in this article the benefits of turmeric and how to benefit from them.

Flashy in color and with a powerful aroma, turmeric is more than just a spice. Research supports that among its properties some are a powerful weapon in the prevention and fight against cancer.

We know it thanks to its showy color and strong flavor, which brings a different touch to meals. But did you know that turmeric has the ability to fight cancer? In this article, we explain some research related to the properties of curcumin, the main component of this spice.

Turmeric, an ancient remedy


It is known by different names (turmeric, Indian saffron) and it comes from the long Curcuma plant, native to India. This spice has been used in the region for hundreds of years to add flavor to dishes. Nowadays, it is no longer just an ingredient used in Hindu dishes. Indeed, it has spread to the whole world.

Its medicinal properties have also been recognized. Several scientific studies have been carried out to know its benefits and during this research we noticed a benefit of turmeric in particular: it helps fight against cancer.

But it also has the ability to protect the liver against all the potential diseases that affect this important organ, especially in the case of hepatic cirrhosis. This is due to the anti-inflammatory abilities of turmeric.

An article in the journal Frontiers , also indicated that the spice had many healing properties. E lle is antimicrobial, antioxidant and antiviral. In addition, it helps to treat degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Curcumin: anti-tumor properties

turmeric powder

Consuming turmeric regularly can help us avoid cancer. Among the actions of this spice in the body we can note that it prevents DNA damage and chronic inflammation. As if that wasn’t enough, it reduces potential problems in the cells.

Studies have shown that curcumin blocks the development of cancer, although it is not yet known how much is needed to experience these benefits. Some doctors say it should be 3.6 grams per day for:

  • Destroy cancer cells
  • Interrupt the disease cycle
  • Prevent it from continuing to spread.

According to the latest findings, the spice has the unique ability to prevent cancer cells from invading and spreading.

It also activates proteins so that they block the disease in a natural way and thus prevent the formation of tumors. Therefore, people who have been found to have cancer could use turmeric to prevent metastasis.

Curcumin pretreatment also improves the effects of chemotherapy or radiotherapy sessions, especially for ovarian or liver cancer.

A group of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer tried treatment with 400 mg of curcumin per day to supplement medical techniques. The tumors have largely shrunk. there have been no signs of toxicity derived from the consumption of this spice.

Turmeric and breast cancer

The American Cancer Society has published several studies related to this disease, which kills thousands of women each year. Turmeric is one of the “stars” in research to fight this disease.

Scientists explain that curcumin has the ability to increase a process called apoptosis. Essentially, it means that cancer cells destroy themselves when the environment they are in is not suitable for their development.

The mechanism of action of turmeric is quite complex because it involves instantaneous molecular reactions, but it basically boils down to one sentence: “if the inflammation goes down, the cancer gets better”.

Doctors claim that this spice is interesting in preventive treatment not to suffer from this disease, but also in people who have already suffered from cancer. This is due to the fact that it acts on the mother cells and protects the body from oncological treatments.

How can we enjoy the benefits of turmeric?

There are several recipes that contain this spice and which, in addition to being delicious, allow us to consume curcumin to prevent cancer. Here are several options:


One of the greatest representatives of Hindu gastronomy. But be careful, we recommend using it for basmati or steamed rice, the most nutritious and digestible. Once cooked as usual, add a teaspoon of turmeric. You can also add coriander and black pepper.


Season the fried or scrambled eggs with a touch of olive oil, a pinch of salt, a little pepper and turmeric.


Spicy lentils are a popular dish in India. Once they are well cooked, they are mixed with coconut oil, black pepper and turmeric. You can do the same with chickpeas or beans.


You can prepare a refreshing drink for the summer with the root of the plant. Then we add honey or lemon juice. And some ice cubes!


With a banana, honey, lemon, and turmeric, you get a really good combination for nourishing yourself and feeling healthier. Add coconut milk and grated ginger.

Golden milk

It is prepared with a paste of turmeric, water and almond oil which is then added to the milk (it is even better if it is almond milk), honey and cinnamon. It is drunk lukewarm before going to sleep and it relieves muscle and joint pain.

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