The 5 Benefits Of Playing A Musical Instrument

Below, we are going to discuss the five benefits of playing a musical instrument, as well as how you can enjoy them.

Music has captivated humans since time immemorial. It is considered to be one of the oldest artistic expressions which provides well-being and pleasure. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that there are benefits to learning to play a musical instrument no matter how old you are or where you live.

Learning to play a musical instrument can also go a long way in improving our quality of life. How? ‘Or’ What ? By providing us with short-term entertainment. Remember that a relaxed, worry-free mind translates into well-being.

It’s never too late to choose the instrument we like the most. Then we just need to arm ourselves with patience and start practicing. At first it will cost us, but persistence will help us develop more and more agility and gain dexterity.

And what’s more, the process can even help us laugh at ourselves and learn to deal with frustrations in such a way that we can easily move on.

Benefits of playing a musical instrument?

1. Learns self-discipline and perseverance

First of all, learning to play a musical instrument requires many years of practice and study. One of the best ways to instill in children values ​​such as self-discipline and perseverance is to invite them to learn to play a musical instrument.

Playing a musical instrument teaches perseverance

Playing an instrument requires personal responsibility and commitment, persistence and tenacity. Because there are continuous examinations corresponding to the different levels of the instrumentalist. Therefore, we get the following values:

  • Makes more responsible
  • Makes more punctual and able to follow routines and disciplines
  • Learns effort, righteousness and perseverance

2. Playing an instrument awakens artistic sensitivity

Music is a language of emotions aimed at arousing different feelings in the listener. This is also true when playing music yourself. With the music, the heart is touched, the tears come, the hairs of the skin stand on end. The joy intensifies and people who identify with a certain music are comforted or moved.

In itself, learning to play a musical instrument serves to develop our sensitivity towards art in  order to express and communicate emotions with this language. Music uplifts us, revitalizes us, transports us and welcomes us to its knees.

3. Develops intellectual capacities

In order to know and develop the possibilities of an instrument, different techniques which improve our intellectual capacities in a remarkable way are studied. In the study of a musical career, memory is strengthened, as are the capacity for analysis, imagination, capacity for abstraction and, above all, concentration.

For this reason, most schools include subjects that promote musical intelligence.

From the music theory that is to be applied to the instrument, many coordination skills , hand independence, motor skills, speed and muscle development are also developed. In short, neural connections that enhance psychomotor development are stimulated.

Playing a musical instrument relieves stress

4. Playing an instrument reduces stress and anxiety

By performing a piece of music with our instrument, we can focus our attention on the present and this separates both stress and anxiety from our mind. On the other hand, playing a musical instrument involves performing a physical activity that is light, but very beneficial.

Depending on the musical style we want to perform at the moment, we can improve our well-being. In this sense, playing an instrument allows us to find pleasure in music and, in a way, to replenish our mental energy.

And since we have a wide variety of music at our disposal, there is no excuse not to play a piece that we like.

5. Playing an instrument develops the imagination

The possibilities for playing different types of music are endless. The history of music sheds light on the countless masters of musical creation and their different styles. Learning to play a musical instrument opens our minds.

With our instrument, we can travel through time to perform pieces from other eras. But also to imagine the future, to recreate a fictitious situation in us. We can perform Celtic, Medieval, Renaissance, Arabic, Latin, Greek, etc. music.

Therefore, there are no limits to creativity, let alone when it comes to composing or performing.

With music, we can let our imaginations fly to the very root of our own being. From this unknown and unfamiliar place, we can let the most exciting melodies emerge.

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