Some Home Remedies To Lower Your Blood Pressure

While these remedies can be very effective in helping us control high blood pressure, we will always need to go to a specialist to do the proper tests to get a professional diagnosis.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most important cardiac risk factors.

Blood pressure measures the strength of blood flow through the arteries. 

If this circulatory flow is too high, one takes the risk of suffering from brain effusions, attacks or heart disease, etc.

The worst thing about high blood pressure is that it hardly gives any warning, that is, there are no noticeable symptoms.

This blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), and its values ​​are measured in two ways:

  • The systolic pressure is the first number, and it is the largest.
  • Diastolic pressure is the number less than two and shows the pressure that exists between the beats of the heart.

The two blood pressure values are not constant, but vary throughout the day, depending on the person’s activity, among other parameters.

When we sleep, our blood pressure is generally lower and tends to rise when we exercise.

High blood pressure and its symptoms

High voltage.

After taking two or more measurements followed with high values, the doctor will diagnose high blood pressure or hypertension.

Among the possible discomforts that high voltage produces, we find:

  • Severe headaches
  • Pain in the chest
  • Blurred vision
  • Redness of the face
  • Heart diseases
  • Nausea and vomiting

Treatment of high blood pressure

The doctor will be responsible for assessing the risk factors of the person suffering from hypertension in his daily life.

The patient will have to adopt a new lifestyle, in which he will have to take into account the following factors to control his weight (it is fundamental to avoid overweight and obesity):

  • Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and low-fat products.
  • Limit salt intake as much as possible.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol.
  • Get physical exercise.

Unfortunately, even with all of these changes it may not be enough to control the high voltage. Normally you have to take specific drugs.

Home remedies for high blood pressure or hypertension

Lemon and parsley juice

The mixture of lemon juice and parsley produces healthy diuretic effects.

Like facilitating the elimination of liquids and promoting the expulsion of substances that increase blood pressure through urine.


  • The juice of one lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of parsley (10 g)


  • Place all the ingredients in the blender and mix for a few minutes until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • It is recommended to consume one glass per day, on an empty stomach.

The effects of garlic

Garlic for tension.

Garlic is recommended by many specialists as a natural remedy for high pressure or high blood pressure. What’s more, it is also good for lowering cholesterol.

To consume it, there are specific lozenges or capsules, but you can also consume a tooth of garlic per day. To make the most of its benefits, we will let it rest for a few hours in a glass of water.


Oats contain a high content of soluble fiber. Consuming fiber can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) by up to 5%.

Oats (especially if eaten for breakfast) are one of the great natural remedies for high blood pressure.

Pure chocolate

Dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa) contains active ingredients in its composition called flavonoids.

They can lower blood pressure and provide many health benefits.

It is important that it contains as much cocoa as possible because, for example, milk chocolate does not have such a positive effect.

Olive oil for blood pressure

Olive oil for tension.

Among some very healthy properties, olive oil helps us regulate blood pressure.

It is part of the Mediterranean diet and is used to control diabetes and bad cholesterol (LDL), among other many benefits.


Another natural remedy for high blood pressure, which we can get wild and make herbal teas.

We can also consume it in the form of lozenges and capsules that we can find in the market.

Is petting animals good for blood pressure?

If we have a dog or a cat in our home, or even watching the fish in our aquarium swim, can be another great natural pressure reliever remedy.

In this case it is recommended especially when it is associated with stress.

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