Rose Water: Preparation And Wonderful Benefits

Rose water slows down aging, cleanses superficial wounds and helps in healing.

In its delicate and intoxicating essence, rose water contains the oldest and most exciting secrets of health and beauty. In India, as well as in Arab countries, it was already used as a remedy to rejuvenate the skin.

Rose water was also used for religious rites, and even for meals! Its virtues are endless. This is why today we want to show you how to prepare a delicate and wonderful rose water.

You will be able to use it on your skin on a daily basis!

The main benefits of roses

  • Digestive virtues: Adding rose petals to our dishes helps cleanse our intestines. It also helps relieve our constipation problems. For example, we can add it to our salads, or even prepare a delicious rose tea.
  • Astringent virtues:  An infusion will allow us to benefit from the benefits of the rose when we suffer from swelling of the eyes, for example. The relief is thus immediate.
  • Respiratory benefits: The fruit of the rose bushes is often used to fight flu and colds. The fruit remains on the plant when the rose itself has dried. First boil them with the seeds, then filter the contents. You can drink two cups a day.
  • Benefits for the skin: Thanks to rose water and its incredible properties, we can help our skin to heal. Its benefits also allow us to prevent skin aging and heal wounds.

The virtues of rose water

  • It is an anti-inflammatory and a decongestant.  Its invigorating scent helps relieve signs of fatigue that appear during the day.
  • It relieves headaches:  you can use tissues or compresses moistened with rose water and apply them to your forehead.
  • Its high vitamin C content is ideal for synthesizing collagen and protecting us from free radicals that cause aging.
  • Rose water relaxes.
  • It fades spots, stretch marks as well as wrinkles.
  • It prevents hair loss by improving blood circulation and strengthening hair follicles.
  • It is an ideal tonic to cleanse our skin and make it firmer. Indeed, its vitamins B and E as well as the tannins and pectin of rose water are a precious help.
  • Its antibacterial and healing properties make rose water an essential ally against canker sores, skin ulcers but also against acne.

Preparation of rose water

rose water and preparation

What do we need ?

  • Half a kilo of rose petals
  • A saucepan with a lid
  • Half a liter of distilled water
  • An airtight glass bottle


  1. We will start by selecting the rose petals; usually red roses and pink roses are the best scent. It will take half a kilo, which is a significant amount.

You may need more than one person to help you find this amount. If you are going to pick up the roses yourself, try to do it in the morning. It is at this time of the day that they have the best virtues.

  1. Now we fill the pan with half a liter of distilled water. Distilled water is always better for doing these kinds of skin remedies. You can easily find it in supermarkets. Once the pan is full, we can add the rose petals. Then, we heat the water to a high temperature.

Rosewater making step

  1. This step is the most important. When you see that the mixture begins to boil, you need to reduce the temperature of the fire. The steam must not escape, because it is precisely the steam that contains the essential oils of rose.

Once you have reduced the intensity of the fire, maintain the same temperature for about ten minutes. Then you can put the fire out for good.

  1. Let everything sit for an additional hour, as if it were an infusion. Its very important.
  2. Once the steam has completely subsided, we can finally recover all the content thanks to a filter. This is called rose water.
  3. Then we pour this precious water into the glass bottle. It will be necessary to close it well and put it in the refrigerator. We can use rose water the next day. The freshness of rose water will be a perfect tonic for your skin.

It will therefore help you to decongest, tone and heal your skin. It is a simple and very beneficial remedy!

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