Relationship: 6 Keys To Not Falling Into Monotony

Breaking up the routine once in a while is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. This is why the little attentions towards his partner are essential. Discover here some keys to avoid falling into monotony.

Sharing your life with someone for a good number of years can seem advantageous if you consider that time is an ally when it comes to strengthening the bonds between two people. Nevertheless, the risk of falling into monotony is present, which can harm the relationship.

It is therefore good to surprise your partner from time to time with little attentions. This will help you avoid or break the monotony by showing your partner that you don’t take the relationship for granted.

Why should we avoid monotony?

To preserve love within the couple, it is necessary to take care of it. Otherwise, it may fade. The fact of being in a relationship for many years does not necessarily show that the romantic relationship is acquired and satisfactory. It is necessary to break the routine once in a while in order to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling romantic relationship.

So it’s important to show your partner that, despite the years that go by, you still feel so lucky to have them by your side and that your relationship is a conscious choice and not inertia.

Some tips to avoid falling into monotony

To show your love, nothing better than the little touches from time to time. In this article, we give you 6 tips to put into practice to rekindle the flame and break the monotony within the couple.

Kisses and hugs, important little attentions to avoid falling into monotony

Fight against monotony in the couple by strengthening the bonds of affection

It is possible that after a while in the relationship, spontaneous affectionate displays such as kisses and hugs will decrease. However, physical contact brings many significant benefits, benefits that you surely want to bring to your partner. Physical contact:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Improves mood
  • Generates confidence and a sense of security
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Provides health benefits (lowering blood pressure, improving the immune system, better cardiovascular health, etc.)

It’s the small gestures that break the monotony. It is not useful to put into practice extravagant or different ideas. Kiss each other, hug each other. Surprise your partner with a spontaneous kiss for no special reason! Keep your bodies and minds in touch.

An unexpected sweet word, a classic when it comes to little touches

Another good idea to break the routine and surprise your partner with an emotional demonstration is to slip, without him noticing it, a note with a few tender words in his business. It might seem trivial to you, but it’s precisely the little touches like this that make the difference.

Try ! Stick a post-it note on the fridge to remind your partner that she is a wonderful person. Or slip a sweet little note into one of his pockets to let him know how lucky you feel to have him by your side.

Respect each other’s personal space and time

A woman painting a picture to break the monotony

You don’t have to spend all your time together, especially when you don’t particularly feel like it. Whether you want to make time for yourself or your partner needs it, doesn’t mean you don’t love yourself enough. 

On the contrary, for a healthy and satisfying romantic relationship, each member of the couple must be able to take time for themselves. During these times, you can indulge in your favorite activities, relax, see friends …

In addition, it is important to feel the feeling of lack in order to refresh the relationship. When you do get together, you’ll want to be together more.

The keepsake box

Another good idea to rekindle the flame within the couple is to collect all your common memories in a box. You can drop off photos, concert tickets, cinema tickets, flight tickets …

Once the box is ready, sit next to your partner to show them this memory box. It’s a great way to remember the reasons why you fell in love with each other and to recall the good times you had together. Without a shadow of a doubt, it will help you break out of the routine and further strengthen your bond.

A letter in the mailbox!

Visualize yourself coming home from work and retrieving mail from the mailbox. You would expect to find invoices and advertising, nothing more, just the regular mail.

What if there was a love letter for you in the mailbox? What if this letter had been written by your partner to remind you how important you are to them, wouldn’t you be moved?

This idea is, without a shadow of a doubt, a perfect little touch to brighten up your partner’s day or evening, or even improve their self-esteem.

A message on the mirror

When you shower, your bathroom mirror gets fogged up. At that time, you can write a love message to your partner.

When the fog is gone, the message will also have disappeared. However, when your partner goes to take a shower, the steam will return and your message will appear again. This surprise can only make him smile.

In short …

You will understand, all it takes is a little imagination and a few surprises to break the monotony. It’s just about doing something different every once in a while… A little attention that will refresh the relationship, that reminds your partner that you consciously love them and want to be with them. Keep this in mind: the little touches make all the difference.

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