Raw Vegan Diet: Benefits And Risks

The raw vegan diet, also known as raw veganism, is very simple to adopt and involves not cooking the food and eating it as you wish. natural state.

Ever wanted to start a raw vegan diet but not sure if you have enough ingredients to get started? In this article, we tell you how you can do it, but first you need to know what it is.

Read on to find out more!

What is the raw vegan diet?

raw vegan diet
Unlike traditional veganism, this option does not include cooking food.

The raw vegan diet is also known as raw veganism, is very simple to do and involves not cooking food and eating it in its natural state. There are exceptions to these principles which we will see later.

This diet is adopted by a growing number of people because it is truly nutritious for the body and also because its benefits are important. A raw vegan diet is important for the body of vegans because they gain more nutrients than what is usually consumed in a cooked food diet.

The term “raw vegan” refers to raw food, in other words raw food . As part of this diet, you can eat natural, organic, and uncooked vegetables.

You can also eat fruits, roots, vegetables, seeds, dried fruits, seaweed and sprouts. You can also eat dehydrated foods because when cooked below 42 ° C, the properties of the food are not lost.

The raw vegan diet menu

In order to choose your menus, you need to know how to make the right combination of foods, which is why you need to know what the best combinations and rules are in this lifestyle.

There are many types of foods that you can eat to support your vegan diet. When the body receives simple mixtures of foods, it manages to digest more easily and assimilate nutrients more easily.

On the other hand, remember that followers of the raw vegan diet should make sure that they can take vitamin B12 supplements and that they do not rely on natural sources like seaweed or fermented foods, because these do not contain enough of this vitamin to be reasonable alternatives.

The ideal foods of this diet

  • Starches: pumpkin, potatoes and beets
  • Fat: dried fruits, coconut, seeds and avocados
  • Acids: tomatoes, peppers and sour fruits
  • Sweets: dried fruits and sweet fruits

If you want to make good combinations, follow these simple rules of raw veganism. If you miss them a few times because you have no choice or forgot about them, don’t worry, that’s okay. However, try to respect them as much as possible:

  • Try not to combine fats and sweets.
  • Preferably do not combine different types of fat.
  • Avoid combining acids and sweet fruits
  • Do not combine acids with starch

The transition to a raw diet: getting it right

To get it right, you should start by including uncooked foods in your daily meals. Remember that it is not good to make drastic changes, so use steam for cooking or cooking at a temperature below 45 ° C.

It’s very easy to start the transition, you just need to be ready and motivated and take it easy.

Advantages and disadvantages

raw vegan diet and vitamin B12 deficiencies
The benefits / risks associated with the considerable deficiency of nutrients such as vitamin B12 should be evaluated.

Before embracing the lifestyle of a raw vegan diet, we need to weigh the pros and cons, weighing its pros and cons, before implementing it. Of course, consulting a specialist would be the first thing to do.

The benefits of the raw vegan diet

People who follow a raw diet believe that it has many health benefits, which include:

  • Increased energy
  • Clearer skin
  • Weightloss
  • Reduced risk of certain diseases

The raw diet contains less trans and saturated fat than the typical Western diet. It is low in salt and sugar and provides high levels of potassium, magnesium, folic acid, fiber, vitamin A, and antioxidants, all of which are beneficial for your health.

The risks associated with this type of diet

One of the main objections is the possible risk of nutritional deficiencies, mainly due to a deficiency of vitamin B12, iron, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.

One study found that raw-eating vegans have higher homocysteine ​​levels and lower HDL cholesterol levels due to vitamin B12 deficiency.

On the other hand, people with hypoglycemia or diabetes should be careful when following a raw diet. While antioxidants, vegetables, and fiber can help, too much juice can make their condition worse.

Likewise, it is essential to consult a doctor or nutritionist before embarking on a raw vegan diet. Especially for people with a history of eating disorders or who are underweight.

Finally, remember that the success of your diet will depend on your motivation. In addition to the desire to make a change in your life.

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