Perfect Abs In Two Weeks

Are you going on vacation in 15 days? Did you realize that your best friend is getting married in June? Your new goal is to look good in your tops this summer? If you think it’s too late to have a flat, muscular stomach, you are wrong. Take a look at this emergency plan that will get you perfect abs in two weeks. 

A bodybuilder belly in 15 days: myth or reality?

have a flat stomach

If you think it’s impossible to get a strong abs in two weeks, it’s best that you start training now.

Your belly may look like that of someone who has spent the past six months at the gym, in just two weeks of hard training.

You need to be determined and motivated to achieve your goal in the time frame that you give yourself.

You must also follow to the letter the program that we offer you in this article. In a few days, the results will be more than visible.

The diet + the exercises + the posture: abs of thunder!

This is the formula you need to have perfect abs in two weeks.

Step 1: The diet

mediterranean diet

Start with food, an essential step to have a flat stomach, but also to feel good and not get sick.

Since the waistline and stomach are two areas where fat tends to accumulate, it is a good idea to pay attention to your diet now.

Here is an example of a diet for a day:

  • On an empty stomach: Choose between a glass of blueberry juice, a cup of lukewarm green tea, lemon juice or Goji berry juice.
  • Breakfast:  Wait half an hour after drinking your drink on an empty stomach and then have breakfast. You can choose between a bowl of papaya with a cup of oats or a bowl of pineapple with a cereal bar (without chocolate).
  • Mid-morning: You can eat a banana, an orange or an apple. If you have time, prepare yourself a juice with a carrot and a stalk of celery.
  • Lunch: It is possible to eat a hot dish (it can be a soup without fat or a stewed dish without meat for example) accompanied by a salad of raw vegetables. Then drink a cup of green tea, red tea, or horehound.
  • Taste: Drink the natural fruit juice of your choice (you can combine several according to your tastes). If you are very hungry, take a cereal bar or an apple with the skin on.
  • Dinner: Eat a dish of soup or broth, half a baked potato with a little olive oil and a cup of oats with almond milk or canary seed milk.
  • Before sleeping:  Eat two apples. They will help you to purify your organism and not to suffer from hunger during the night.

Step 2: The exercises

to exercise

The moment comes when you have to move your body (and especially your stomach) in order to have perfect abs.

This program should begin with a 5-10 minute warm-up, a 15-minute slow walk or jog, then the sit-down set, and then 5 minutes of stretching.

Examples to put into action

Example of abs for perfect abs:

  • Sit-ups 1: Lie on your back, bend your legs, touch the soles of your feet to the floor, and bring your hands to the back of your neck. Raise your torso and try to touch your knees, and return to the starting position.
    Perform 10 repetitions until the fifth day, 20 until the tenth, and 30 until the twentieth.
  • Sit-ups 2: Stretch your legs and put your hands on your buttocks.
    Raise your legs, as if you wanted to touch the ceiling with your tiptoes, without bending, until you form an angle of 90 ° C with the rest of the body.
    Do this as slowly as possible, then return to the starting position. Start with 10 at the beginning 20 then and end with 30.
  • Sit-ups 3: Stand aside on the floor mat. You can bend the legs a bit.
    With the hand that has remained on the floor, hold the opposite side of the waistline (cross your arm in front of your torso) and with the free hand, take your head. Raise your core as much as possible and return to the starting position. Do ten reps and switch sides.
  • Set 4 sit-ups: Begin as in set 2. Raise your legs slowly but not as much as before. When they are 10 centimeters off the ground, hold the position, forcing on your abdominals. Climb up another two inches and start straining your abs again.
    So you go up every 10 centimeters, stopping each time, until you reach a 90 ° C angle with the torso. Gently lower the legs.

Step 3: The posture

good posture

How you feel is key to your figure, but also your abs.

Your back should always be straight and your stomach tight. If you forget to maintain this posture when you are at work, leave a message on your computer screen or set an alarm on your phone.

Correct your back posture and, if you practice it regularly, you will eventually get used to it.

Additional step for perfect abs: Drink plenty of water

If you don’t like water on its own, you can drink tea or natural infusions (with sweeteners), self-squeezed juices (not store-bought juices), and eat foods like tomato, apple or orange.

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