Over Ten Reasons To Eat More Avocados!

Avocado provides us with energy, helps reduce inflammation in the joints and stabilizes the heart rate, which is why it is strongly recommended for athletes.

This is a real paradox, because avocado contains many properties but it is not as popular as other fruits such as apples or oranges for example. However, there are multiple reasons to eat more avocados!

In fact, avocado contains quite a bit of fat. This is why we think that it makes you fat or that it is only suitable for the diet of athletes. In this article, you will learn more about the real benefits of avocado. 

Discover the many reasons to eat more avocados.

Avocado and its many properties

First of all, it should be noted that the fat in avocado does not harm our health, contrary to what many people think.

Avocado is one of the best foods that an athlete can eat! Indeed, it brings them a large amount of energy.

But this fruit is not only good for those who do physical activity! And yes, it is also for those who work in an office, for children, the elderly and pregnant women. In fact, avocado is good for everyone in general.

It helps us improve cholesterol levels while at the same time stabilizing our heart rate. That is why it is said to be good for athletes. So, a piece of avocado contains monounsaturated fat, oleic acid, and alpha-linoleic (known as omega 3 acids).

These are great reasons to eat more avocados.

eat more avocado and avocado cream

Likewise, avocado helps in the growth and repair of muscle mass. Indeed, it contains a good amount of protein, potassium and zinc, much more than bananas for that matter! Its supply of “good” fats will help us improve testosterone levels in a natural way.

In addition, thanks to the avocado, inflammation of the joints is reduced (it is recommended for cases of arthritis). It also helps repair cartilage thanks to essential fatty acids and vitamins from group E.

Avocado helps us feel fuller for longer thanks to its intake of soluble and insoluble fiber. These slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates.

The large amount of oleic acid activates the areas of the brain that make us feel fully “satisfied”, that is, full.

Multiple properties

Avocado also improves the immune system thanks to its high level of carotenoids. Lutein, another of its components, acts as an antioxidant and protects us from eye diseases.

The good thing about this fruit is that it can be eaten raw with salads, vegetables, soy, toast, etc.

avocado and maches salad

As we said before, pregnant women should eat more avocados. It prevents infections in babies and women, especially if there is a history in the family.

And since it’s high in folic acid, it’s a vital supplement at that time. This avoids the consumption of drugs or chemicals. If you are looking to get pregnant, do not hesitate to consume avocado as a preparation for the body and for your health.

Patients with high cholesterol can reap the benefits of this delicious food for lowering LDL (the bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL (the good) .

In addition, avocado is really very important in preventing cardiovascular problems such as stroke, which is more and more frequent every time.

avocado split open

Effect of avocado on health

Avocado also has very good effects from an aesthetic point of view. It prevents aging of the skin and protects our hair. We can therefore count it among our allies to have a more beautiful and much younger skin.

You can apply it to your face as if it were a mask to relieve sun burns and reduce wrinkles.

Thanks to its creamy consistency, avocado can be used as a substitute for mayonnaise or butter. It is a good idea for making cakes, cakes or even for seasoning salads.

In traditional medicine, several properties are attributed to avocado. But above all, it is said to be an aphrodisiac and anti-diarrheal. In these cases, we use the stone, leaves, or even the skin of the avocado.

But the fruit is not only used to alleviate these two problems: it is also used to relieve dysentery and prevent baldness. Another great reason to eat more avocados.

What about the avocado core?

In addition to the avocado pulp, we can also eat other parts such as the pits. It might sound a little weird to you because they are really big. However, be aware that very often they are chopped or grated for use in different preparations. And this, whether raw or cooked.

 avocado pit

The vast majority of the amino acids in this fruit are found in the kernels. Its oil helps reduce cholesterol and also protects the body against cardiovascular disease and cardiac arrest (heart attack).

Studies have shown that avocado has far more soluble fiber than any known food.

In addition, it is an excellent ally to fight diarrhea or inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. It is used in several countries to treat infections or digestive problems.

Virtues of avocado kernel

Avocado pits contain phenolic compounds which are used to prevent intestinal ulcers and bacterial or viral infections. As it contains flavonol, avocado does not allow the development of tumors.

It also serves to strengthen the immune system and thus prevents debilitating diseases and premature aging. Those who suffer from arthritis and other similar ailments have found avocado to be a great ally! It helps relieve these types of pain.

The oil of this fruit also helps to make our hair shine better, while treating dandruff problems. Avocado also has a rejuvenating effect. It increases the amount of collagen in the skin, which gives us a smoother and wrinkle-free appearance.

Grating, roasting or drinking avocado pits as infusions helps control asthma attacks.

According to Qi Gong medicine, it also helps us to feel in harmony and get a boost of energy! Avocado pits can be eaten dried, grilled, grated, roasted in salads. It can also be used in herbal teas, milkshakes, smoothies, or eaten alone.

There are therefore only reasons to increase your consumption of avocados!

Photographs courtesy of Javier Lastra, Joselu Blanco, Jaanus Silla, Luca Nebuloni and Harmony Rae.

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