Nutritious And Slimming Smoothie: Pear, Chia And Oats

In addition to being nutritious and satiating, this pear, chia and oat smoothie, helps us to regulate our transit and eliminate toxins. In addition, this all-in-one drink helps us lose weight

This pear, chia and oat smoothie is ideal for those following a purifying and slimming diet. In addition, it provides nutrients in quantity while helping us lose weight without starving us.

Discover the benefits of this delicious slimming smoothie that improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and intestine allowing you to lose weight while staying healthy.

A satiating smoothie for weight loss

Are you looking for ways to lose weight? However, you also want to improve the quality of your diet. Besides, you don’t want to harm your health. And even more: you want to acquire healthy habits without starving yourself.

You must therefore choose foods that provide you with all the necessary nutrients at the same time as they bring you satiety and satisfaction.

Indeed, this is how you will avoid snacking or consuming inadequate foods.

Nutritious and satisfying foods should be high in fiber.  These not only promote bowel function, but also make us feel full.

In addition, foods rich in fiber are foods that delight us with their naturally sweet or mild taste. Thus, thanks to their consumption, we are not inclined to throw ourselves on industrial sweets that make us gain weight.

Fortunately for us, this slimming smoothie allows us to combine this type of food. They offer us drinks that are both sweet and satisfying that help us feel good in pursuit of our slimming goal.

The pear

Pear is a delicious, sweet and refreshing fruit that is very easily digested and gives us energy and vitality.

Its fiber composition improves intestinal function. While potassium and arbutin give it diuretic properties promoting the elimination of fluids.

This is how, thanks to these compounds, we feel light and deflated at all times of the day.

The carbohydrates in pear are absorbed very slowly by the body. Thanks to this slow absorption combined with the sweetness of the fruit, we will avoid the temptation to eat sweets, especially in the morning.

Chia seeds

Slimming smoothie: pear, chia seeds

Chia seeds are a natural wonder. These tiny greyish seeds are the hottest remedy for regulating bowel function and losing weight with ease.

When ground, these magical little seeds release their mucilage, a soft, gelatinous fiber that takes care of the entire digestive tract and locks toxins out of your body.

Chia, rich in antioxidants, proteins, fatty acids and minerals such as calcium, has a high nutritional power and heals liver function.


Nutritious and slimming smoothie with oats

Oats are one of the best grains we can eat if we want to lose weight. And this, thanks to its high fiber and nutrient content.

In addition, the primary characteristic of this fiber and nutrient content makes oats a satiating food providing us with energy while calming our nervous system. This makes oats an ideal ally to fight compulsive snacking.

People prone to snacking and having difficulty controlling their diet will find oats a precious help in strengthening their willpower.

How to prepare your smoothie


  • 2 ripe pears
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (14 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of oatmeal (30 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • A little stevia (to taste) (optional)

Note  : If the pears are organic, you can eat them with the peel, which is also rich in fiber.


  • The day before, soak the chia seeds and oats in water. Cover them and let them soak overnight.
  • In the morning, when preparing your smoothie, include the oats, seeds and water as well, which will have taken on a gelatinous consistency thanks to the presence of fibers.
  • Add the pear cut into pieces and the stevia to taste, if you want to make the preparation sweeter.
  • Mix well for at least a minute, until you get a smooth texture.

When and how to consume your slimming smoothie?

  • The best time to consume your delicious drink will be in the morning, during your breakfast, or a little later in the morning. Its natural sugars will help you avoid cravings for several hours.
  • Its content rich in oats and chia will help you regulate your bowel function from the first hours of the morning.
  • You can consume this smoothie daily in phases. For example, you can drink it every day for a month and then take a little break. Your organization will let you know when it needs it.

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