Natural Treatments For Teeth Whitening

Remember that good oral hygiene is fundamental. Fruits and vegetables eaten with their skins on, such as apples or carrots, help us clean up dental plaque.

Yellowed teeth can recover their natural color with certain orthodontic treatments that allow an almost immediate change to be achieved. But it is also possible to use home methods to whiten teeth. Interested in learning more?

Did you know that there are foods that can make your teeth lose the white color and turn them yellow?

On the teeth, spots of different kinds can appear and as we said before, due to different reasons, such as for example the regular consumption of coffee, tea, dark carbonated drinks and especially the habit of to smoke.

There are also stains that occur when the teeth are barely formed. These stains can be completely removed with dental treatments. They are impossible to eliminate in any other way, such as home treatment.

You may also be interested in this article: 5 Tips to Remove Sweat Stains

Orange peel

Natural treatments to whiten teeth: orange peel

The inner part of the orange peel contains substances useful for removing dental stains. This white part of the orange peel is made up of:

  • Vitamin C,
  • Fiber,
  • Pectin
  • Limonene.

This last component is the one that helps in the natural whitening process.

How to use it ?

The way to use this treatment is really easy. You have to start by washing and peeling the orange and then rub each tooth with the white part of the skin. Wait 30 minutes and then you can brush your teeth as usual.

NOTE : Do not overdo their application. Do this once or twice a week at most.

The aloe vera

Aloe vera is a fairly effective and healthy solution to whitening teeth. You just need to get a little gel from this plant and apply it every day with each brushing of teeth.

Baking soda for teeth whitening

Bicarbonate is very effective in the treatment of removing stains from teeth. To do this, you have to mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with a little water and then brush your teeth.

It should be emphasized and taken into account that this treatment can only be done ONCE a week, because baking soda used too often can damage tooth enamel due to its strong abrasive action.

The strawberries

Natural Treatments for Teeth Whitening: Strawberries

Did you know that strawberries help remove tartar? You just have to cut a strawberry in half and rub your teeth with it for a few minutes. The strawberry has an action similar to that of baking soda but with a lower risk index for tooth enamel.

In addition, strawberries contain special fibers that help eliminate bacteria that are harmful to our body. They are therefore of great use in maintaining good oral hygiene.

Do not forget !

Remember that the treatments previously described in this article must be applied in moderation and that we must not overdo it otherwise we will damage the enamel of our teeth irreversibly.

It is important to stress that applying these products carefully from time to time will help us whiten our teeth in an effective and healthy way. Don’t overdo it!

Likewise, remember that consuming celery, carrots, and apples often can be very good for keeping your teeth clean, healthy, and strong. These foods help produce more saliva, which is very important in removing stains from the teeth.

It is also essential to use dental floss as well as mouthwashes.

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