Natural Remedies For Aphonia And Dysphonia

A good trick to relieve the vocal cords is to grab our tongue with your fingers, and stretch it outward in all directions for a few seconds.

Aphonia refers to a total loss of voice; dysphonia corresponds to a partial loss of the voice, with variations in tone, volume and quality. These are two very common problems that can occur due to vocal abuse or misuse.

First, it is necessary to identify the possible causes. Secondly, discover the various natural remedies that exist against aphonia and dysphonia. We will give you some simple tips that will help you recover your voice.

Common causes of aphoniaThe voice

  • Speak louder than normal.
  • Inhalation of cigarette smoke or other irritating gases
  • Consumption of toxic or irritant products  
  • Cough or snoring
  • Poor singing technique
  • Vocal cord lesions
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Poor breathing technique
  • Emotional or nervous factors

If aphonia lasts more than three days, it is advisable to consult an ENT specialist for a complete examination.

Once the problem has been identified and a treatment prescribed, you can also use some natural remedies to recover faster.

Some natural remedies to relieve aphonia 

  • Ginger is a highly recommended food for taking care of the vocal cords. 
  • Propolis is a natural antibiotic that should be drunk in hot water during the day.
  • Sage and the plant are rich in mucilages, a soluble fiber with an emollient (softening) action that repairs the mucous membranes. We advise you to prepare an infusion to drink or to gargle.
  • The olive oil mixture and lemon is a good ally to recover the voice. We will mix a spoon of olive oil, a spoon of lemon juice and two of honey. Consume it throughout the day until you notice an improvement.
  • Agrimony is an excellent herb for softening the voice and clearing the throat.
  • Licorice is a racide that helps us ease the respiratory tract. To be taken as an infusion (which should have boiled well if the root is thick) or in natural throat lozenges that can be found in pharmacies. Licorice is not recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Stretches of the vocal cords

A curious and surprising exercise that will allow us to loosen the vocal cords quickly is to grab the tongue (with a clean tissue) and gently stretch it outwards, moving it slightly in all directions.

This exercise should be done for a few seconds and repeated two to three times in a row.

Although the feeling is strange during his execution. Once the exercise is over, we can notice a marked improvement!

The use of homeopathy against aphonia

Home remedies for voice and throat

Homeopathic remedies help us to strengthen the effects of natural remedies quickly.

  • For people who have used their voice excessively : Argentum Metallicum or Rhus Tox
  • For those who lost their voice after shouting: Arnica
  • If you also have pain: Causticum
  • After a speech  in the open, with continuous changes of tone while speaking: Arum Triphillum
  • in case of aphonia caused by cold and humidity: Dulcamara
  • in the case of aphonia caused by cold without humidity: Causticum
  • Aphonia of nervous origin: Gesleniul

Once the remedy has been chosen, melt three granules under the tongue three times a day, avoiding taking meals, drinks and strong or minty flavors.

We recommend consulting a doctor or naturopath before undergoing natural treatment.

Photographs by reatist and asimulator.

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