Mangoes Alkalize The Body, Improve Brain Function And Digestion

Mango is a delicious, appetizing fruit that can be eaten in many ways. It also brings an infinite number of benefits to the body.

Mangoes are known all over the world for their delicious taste, which allows them to be incorporated into many different dishes.

Many people call it “the king of fruits”, not only because it can be eaten anytime, but also because it is packed with nutrients, which are great for your health.

It is estimated that in the world there are around 1000 varieties of mango, although most of them have similar properties, shapes and tastes.

These benefits they bring to the body come from their high content of bio-active compounds and fiber, in addition to vitamins A, C and E and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium and phosphorus.

There are many reasons for consuming mangoes more often.

In this article, we will reveal all their virtues to you so that you know why they are so good for the body.

They regulate digestion and are natural laxatives

Thanks to their fiber and enzyme intake, mangoes are one of the best natural laxatives.

In fact, when consumed plain, they can help regulate digestive processes to facilitate the elimination of wastes that have difficulty in being evacuated.

This is due to the activity of their enzymes, the action of which supports food processing and absorbs residues.

Since they are natural, they do not cause pain and have no side effects. 

They are alkalizing

Because of the sugar they contain, some might think that mangoes are not alkalizing, but they are nevertheless good regulators of the pH of our body.

This stems from their ability to calm digestive system issues, including constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

The alkaline environment they create in the stomach has the ability to reduce excess stomach acidity and acid indigestion.

They improve brain function

Mangoes contain an amino acid called glutamine which plays an important role in rapidly dividing cells, as well as those of the immune system and the intestines.

This nutrient is good for improving morale but also for general brain function.

It is believed to be able to improve memory and participate in brain detoxification.

This is because a large part of the glutamine is converted into glutamic acid, which is transported to the brain.

When it arrives in this organ, glutamic acid unites with ammonia and helps prevent its accumulation. To prevent the deterioration of brain function.

Glutamine also acts as a “fuel” for the brain, as it stimulates memory, cognitive function and any brain activity.

They are rich in antioxidants

Here are the main antioxidants in mangoes:

  • Quercetin
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Beta-carotein
  • Astragalin

The absorption of all these elements creates a healthy mixture which inhibits the action of free radicals in the body. Avoiding oxidative damage and chronic disease.

They help regulate blood pressure

Thanks to their significant potassium supply, mangoes can improve the function and efficiency of muscles and heart rate.

This mineral is essential for a regulated and balanced blood pressure.

In addition, mango provides magnesium, another mineral that supports heart health.

Mangoes are good for your eyesight

Visual health is also promoted by the consumption of this fruit. Because its high vitamin A content has a positive impact on eyesight.

This vitamin is essential for maintaining good eyesight and preventing eye conditions. Like night blindness, cataracts, or macular degeneration, among others.

In addition, the flavonoids they contain are essential for healthy eyes.

It is estimated that a cup of sliced ​​ripe mangoes provides up to 25% of the daily requirement for vitamin A.

Do you frequently eat mangoes in your daily life?

As you have just discovered, it is a fruit with surprising health benefits.

Eat it plain, in desserts, cakes, smoothies or other recipes.

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