Make Healthier, Lighter Fries

To make our potatoes healthier, we can prepare them ourselves by combining them with healthy foods like vegetables and protein. We must avoid consuming them at the same time as flour so as not to make digestion more difficult.

Who doesn’t like fries? And yet, depending on how they were cooked, they can be harmful to our health.

Unfortunately, they are often made with poor quality oils which are reused over and over again, and always at very high temperatures.

However, we find it hard to give up this little treat.

In this article, we’ll tell you how you can make homemade French fries in three different ways.

Follow these healthy recipes that will get you to eat french fries every now and then.

We will also detail the harmful effects that these potatoes have on our body when they are not cooked healthily.

The fries that we are sold

To make French fries healthier, the first step is to prepare them at home, as this is the only way to guarantee their quality.

So you can eat them regularly to accompany your meals, while if you buy them ready-made, you should avoid them as much as possible.

The fries that are served to us in any place are dangerous to health for the following reasons:

The oils

They are prepared with poor quality oils.  These are so-called edible oils made from transgenic soybeans and other oils of vegetable origin.

These oils turn into trans fats when cooked at high temperatures, which brings toxins to our body. In addition, these oils are reused several times.

Also be aware that they have an extremely high fat content, as they are fried in a lot of oil.

Added ingredients and their effects

The potato used is actually a mixture of mashed potatoes and other ingredients not recommended for health. In addition, they contain a lot of refined salt.

The consumption of store-bought fries therefore has the following effects:

  • Increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Weight gain, even overweight and appearance of cellulite.
  • Overload of the liver and kidneys.
  • Increased high blood pressure and fluid retention.
  • Increased acidity, which is the cause of some diseases.

The added ingredients of French fries and their effects.

Basic Steps to Preparing Good Fries

To cook healthy and delicious fries, you must follow certain preliminary steps:

  • Buy quality potatoes,  from organic farming, which do not have the germ.
  • Use first cold pressed olive oil.
  • Season with sea ​​salt without overdoing it.
  • Use non-Teflon containers like ceramic, crystal, stainless steel, cast iron, etc.

1. Less acidic fries

Here is a culinary tip that comes straight from the East to remove the acidity of fried foods.

While the potatoes are frying, add two umeboshi plums to the oil. The umeboshi comes from the macerated plum and endowed with exceptional properties.

These plums absorb the toxicity without changing the taste. You should not eat the plums that you have fried, but you can eat one after the meal to reverse the ill effects.

Your fries will be less acidic thanks to umeboshi.

2. Fried potatoes, but in the oven

Cut the potatoes into sticks, as if you were going to fry them, then arrange them in a baking dish.

Before cooking, brush them well with olive oil so that they are crisp.

This way, you will get baked fries that are almost the same as fried, but with much less oil.

3. Baked and fried potatoes

Another recipe to prevent the potatoes from absorbing so much oil.

To do this, first immerse them in boiling water for ten minutes, cut into sticks, so that they are no longer so hard.

Then, drain them well so that they absorb the oil, then fry them until they become crisp.

Nutritional suggestions

The potato is a starch. This is why we recommend, for better digestion, to always consume them with vegetables (vegetables, salad, fruit) and proteins (meat, fish, egg, pulses).

In addition, if you eat your French fries with these foods, their effects will be much more beneficial for your body.

On the other hand, you should avoid eating French fries with other starchy foods or flour, such as:

  • Sandwiches
  • Some pizza
  • Pasta
  • Bread, etc.

Indeed, it would slow down your digestion, and overload your body, which would help create unwanted fat deposits.

Be careful what you associate with your fries.

Do you know the fried apple?

Finally, here is an even healthier little tip that will surprise your whole family:

  • Cut an apple into sticks, like you would a potato
  • Then fry them the same way; then add a little salt.

Their sweet flavor and refreshing texture will make this recipe a most original aperitif.

Images courtesy of avlxyz, stevebott, mismisimos y Leszek.keszcysnki

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