Love Handles: 11 Foods To Make Them Go

Although summer is over and beach vacations seem far away, we can still do something to reduce the abdomen and put an end to those love handles without waiting for better days.

To put an end to love handles, we need to include foods in our diet that help us de-inflame the body and which in turn helps burn fat.

It is true that during the fall and winter we are dressed more and we eat more, but it is also necessary to take care of ourselves so that we do not have to starve when the climate is more pleasant.

In this article, we reveal to you which foods make the famous love handles swell.

Healthy eating versus love handles

Healthy eating against love handles.

Obviously, there is a connection between what we eat and what we look like. If we eat fatty and sugary foods, the abdomen will be more swollen.

On the other hand, if we opt for fruits and vegetables (for example) the belly will flatten out. This is of course not a magic trick or something that you get overnight.

Effort, exercise and commitment should not be lacking.

Among the foods that you can incorporate into your diet to lose weight and get rid of that obnoxious fat that accumulates on the sides of your body, we recommend:

The salmon

The so-called “blue” fish, among which we find salmon, have a lot of nutrients and vitamins.

They provide almost no calories and additionally offer prostaglandins, compounds that help regulate swelling in the body.

In addition, they contain good and healthy omega 3 fatty acids.

Plain yogurt

Plain yogurt helps fight love handles.

The one we know as Greek yogurt is perfect for afternoon tea, breakfast or as a snack, because it is full and provides few calories.

As if that were not enough, it helps to have a flat stomach, because its proteins control the cravings to snack and avoid eating too much or at any time.

If you want, you can add chunks of fruit, oats or raisins to it to make a healthy and delicious appetizer.

Flax seeds

If, for example, you are a vegetarian and don’t like fish very much, don’t worry. There is a plant-based alternative that will delight you: flax seeds.

They provide a good amount of omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. Remember that before consuming them you will need to hydrate them with water. Then you can distribute them on your salads, pies, juices, yogurts or whatever you want.

Red fruits

Red fruits promote a flat stomach.

Red fruits are low in sugars, but full of antioxidants, which makes them a perfect dessert for a flatter stomach.

If you are looking to have a more toned stomach, do not hesitate to eat a cup of berries a day.

They are ideal when you exercise, to improve digestion, reduce abdominal swelling, and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Among the red fruits, we advise you to choose lingonberries, because they have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties superior to others of their kind. By eliminating free radicals, the stomach becomes inflamed.


As long as we consume them in moderation, they are great at helping you loosen up those love handles. Eggs burn fat thanks to the amino acids they provide us.

Eating one for breakfast is full, in addition to avoiding snacking in the morning. Try to eat them hard or raw, not fried.

The curry

Curry is a precious ally against love handles.

The yellow color of this condiment is due to a component called curcumin. This nutrient helps regulate the immune system and prevent swelling and water retention.

Do not hesitate to add flavor to your dishes by adding curry to them. It is ideal for rice or sauces.

The dried fruit

While it is true that they provide a good dose of calories and are very fatty, dried fruits are used to lose weight and to relieve the stomach.

This is due to their healthy fats (like in fish, for example).

For this we advise you to eat a handful of dried fruits per day (especially if you have sweet tooth cravings).

To avoid getting bored, combine several: almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, raisins, Brazil nuts… They are all delicious!

Green tea

Green tea is the most powerful for loosening love handles.

This infusion has the ability to eliminate liquids that accumulate in any part of the body but also to burn fat in the abdomen.

Green tea is the most powerful for loosening love handles.

Drink several cups a day, cold or hot and sweetened with honey. Another option is to combine it with lemon juice. It is very good!


Soybeans provide a lot of protein, antioxidants and fiber.

You can buy them in organic stores and use them in many preparations, whether breaded, in steaks, in cream for your pies, in soups and more.

Soy milk is also very good because, unlike cow’s milk, it does not contain lactose (which often causes swelling of the belly due to the intolerance it can cause).

Whole grains

Cereals are more satiating than refined products.

Many believe that whole grains make you fat, like dried fruit. In fact,  they are more satiating compared to refined grains.

Oats, barley and brown rice lower the levels of protein C responsible for the swelling. In addition, integral flour is healthier than refined.


It is one of the healthiest foods out there and has the ability to satiate and even reduce cravings for sweets.

Each apple contains fiber and pectin, an effective fat burner. In addition, this fruit provides almost no calories or sugar. It is a perfect aperitif before or after physical exercise.

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