Links Between Throat And Bowel Disease

Soaking your feet for twenty minutes in hot water will immediately relieve inflammation in the throat, as your body will seek to balance your overall temperature.

The title of this article may have surprised you. Indeed, this is not the first time that we have told you about the relationships that are established between the different parts of our body. This is the case with the link between diseases of the throat and the intestines.

In this article, we’ll tell you how and why you need to take care of your gut. This article is for you if you regularly have throat problems like tonsillitis, pharyngitis, aphonia, etc.

Grandmother’s remedies

Our ancestors had extensive medical knowledge. Indeed, they had the ability to find simple remedies to treat small everyday ailments.

In the case of throat diseases, especially when they occur chronically in children, do not hesitate to resort to enemas.

In the past, enemas were applied for all kinds of disorders. Indeed, our ancestors knew that an unhealthy intestine is often the cause of many diseases. Thus, performing an enema could then bring about a rapid improvement in the patient’s condition.

The enemas were performed with rubber pears.  They are still sold in drugstores today. They are very practical, and their use is also very fast.

1. First, add lukewarm, quality water, not from the tap, directly into the pear. Then use a lubricant, or cannula oil, before inserting it into the anus while you are lying on your left side.

2. Hold water for as long as you can, then drain.

You can do several enemas a day if you have throat problems.

instrument for performing an enema

Have your gut checked

If you have frequent throat problems for no apparent reason and are tired of taking medication, pay attention to your gut. Also try to identify the presence of pathology, among these:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome: a chronic disorder that causes pain and states of constipation and / or diarrhea, alternately. It can be linked to nervous and emotional issues.
  • Constipation: it is one of the great evils of our time. It comes mainly from a poor diet, far too refined, and also from excessive sedentarization.
  • An intestinal parasite: parasites are very common, and yet very little known. The most famous is candidiasis, but there are many types, which cause quite different symptoms. This does not facilitate identification by the patient when it comes to knowing what he is suffering from. Parasites can cause fatigue, nervousness, appetite disturbances, poor digestion, itchy nose or anus, etc.
  • Diverticula: Diverticulosis is the formation of small lumps in the walls of the small intestine.

Intestinal flora

kefir and throat effect

If we want to take care of our throat, we must also regulate our intestines and treat the conditions from which we are suffering.

A fundamental rule is to take care of our intestinal flora.  Indeed, it is very affected by intestinal diseases, poor diet, or the consumption of drugs.

We will pay attention to this in two ways:

  • First of all by consuming foods that are beneficial to it,  mainly fermented foods like sauerkraut cabbage, yogurt or kefir, but made at home, to be sure that they do not contain bad substances and that they have all the nutrients we need.
  • By taking specific supplements,  to repopulate our intestinal flora, especially if we are taking medication.

Food intolerances

Piece of oreo cheesecake

There is a basic question to consider if you suffer from bowel and throat problems: assessing the likelihood of food intolerance, which continually causes progressive damage in the body. 

With allergies, we can quickly realize the instantaneous reaction our body has to an external element. But, in the context of intolerances, it is more difficult: their effects are slower and more gradual, which complicates their detection.

You can be intolerant to many types of foods,  and there are a lot of lab tests that can show you are intolerant. However, the most common, and the ones you need to consider first, are gluten and lactose.

You may also suffer from intolerance to certain fruits, dried fruits, or even food additives.

Hot foot baths

Although this is a remedy that will not cure your condition, it will give you immediate relief from the inflammation of the throat.

The fact of causing a lot of heat in the feet will lower the temperature of the upper part of the body.

You will need to immerse your feet in hot water for at least 20 minutes. If the water cools down in the meantime, pour hot water again. Once your feet are submerged, spread them well.

Images by Pavel Fiskovich, mfcorwin and didriks

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