Is Wine Good For Your Health?

Thanks to its high content of ponyphenols, red wine eliminates free radicals and protects the heart. However, it should be drunk in moderation

Drinking a glass of red wine a day would have beneficial effects on our health, and although many people consume it regularly, many still ignore its properties and effects on health!

This is why we present them to you in this article.

One drink a day: a special recommendation

This drink could be good for our health if we consume it in moderation, for example only one glass per day during the dinner or the lunch.

It is preferable that it be in the evening for the sake of convenience. Indeed, it is not very wise to consume wine and then go to work.

But be careful, we are not talking about just any kind of wine, but only red!

It is said that drinking a glass of wine could prevent a lot of cardiovascular disease, diabetes or even dementia. And this, whether for men or women.

It is therefore not only intended to please us from time to time!

Woman drinking wine

Its benefits

Here are some benefits of this drink:

  • Reduces certain risks: some studies in Europe claim that 220 to 320 ml of wine per day would have a beneficial impact on our health. It is the same in Denmark, France or England where wine is appreciated if it is consumed in moderation.
  • Decreases the effect of tobacco: wine could regulate the damage caused by tobacco on the blood vessels, especially with regard to the dilation of the vessels.

It is also believed to have positive effects on the endothelium, a layer of cells that reduces friction between lymphatic and blood vessels.

  • Prevents cardiovascular disease:  According to some, this is one of the best known effects of red wine, especially when consumed on a regular basis. It would also reduce the risk of suffering from coronary heart disease, and it would reduce the production of bad cholesterol while increasing the good one.
  • Has anticoagulant and anti-thrombotic effects: occasional wine drinkers have less amount of fibrinogen protein, the one that prevents the formation of blood clots.

glass of wine

Following the benefits

  • Prevents the onset of atherosclerosis: this disease caused by the degeneration of the arteries could see its symptoms relieved by wine. Atherosclerosis occurs when the blood vessels cannot relax. The wine could then play a role thanks to the formation of nitric oxide, a substance essential for vascular relaxation.
  • It balances blood pressure: although it is known that alcohol consumption can cause hypertension, it turns out that drinking a glass of wine per day (250 ml) would have the opposite effect, since it lowers blood pressure. tension after a meal.
  • Reduces the formation of kidney stones: a daily consumption of red wine would decrease the risk of having kidney stones.
  • Fights Alzheimer’s: Some research has shown that resveratrol (a component of red wine) produces neuroprotective effects that prevent the disease from progressing.

This drink could also:

  • Prevent dementia
  • Reduce the risk of suffering from rheumatoid arthritis
  • Prevent flu and colds
  • Reduce the risk of suffering from throat cancer

glass of wine

  • Help keep you awake
  • Promote digestion
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Reduce the risk of diabetes
  • Prevent premature aging of memory cells
  • Relieve varicose veins
  • Avoid prostate cancer
  • Promote protein assimilation
  • Promote beautiful skin
  • Improve vision and prevent diabetic retinopathy
  • Reduce the pain of hemorrhoids
  • Reduce allergies thanks to its antihistamine properties
  • Prevent blood clots from forming

Why red wine?

Many people are probably wondering why exactly red wine and not rosé, white or sparkling wine. The reasons are indeed multiple. This is why it is better to know a little more about this drink.

The latter is made from ripe grape must, which is picked from the vines during harvest. The bunches can be harvested by hand, using scissors or special machines.

The wines go through a very traditional and very simple process from planting to the vineyard, then through harvesting, transport and elaboration.

The preparation of the drink is carried out through maceration; it is then pressed, fermented, clarified and then bottled.

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Last reason which prompts us to opt for this drink: the polyphenols it contains (which come from the skin and the seeds of the grape), because they protect the heart by eliminating free radicals.

Thus, white wine is produced from the pulp. This is why it does not contain these substances. The amount of polyphenols also depends on the quality of the grape. It also depends on the state of the farm and the amount of sunlight received.

Photographs courtesy of Fredrik Rubensson, F Delventhal, akash Mehra, Dinner Series, Martin Cathrae.

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