I Want To Look For You, But I Have No More Reasons To Find You

To maintain a relationship, it is fundamental to respect the personal spaces of the other. You have to build a common life, but keep your private space.

Sometimes the feelings, memories, and love experienced with another person in a relationship stick.

However, memories are not enough to keep a relationship going. We lack real motives for keeping something that is no longer relevant.

Couple relationships are complex and require, above all, a mutual effort. Both people should win and no one should get lost.

It is about teaming up, and encouraging the personal development of each one.

That being said, it is difficult to have to break the link, to say a final farewell and to integrate this stage of our life as something belonging to the past which must allow us to move forward with confidence and integrity.

Often, the urge persists but not the real genuine reasons to get the relationship back. In this article, we invite you to think about that.

The reasons that push us to maintain a relationship

No one comes into the world knowing everything. Love catches in its nets, entices and sometimes, it locks us in emotions and this passion which blinds us and makes us feel alive.

There are many reasons why it is worth fighting for someone.

However, we should not privilege the other person over ourselves, our esteem, our integrity and our respect.

Take note of these dimensions because they help build a healthy relationship.

Respect each other’s personal space

There are two spheres that define a healthy and authentic relationship: the personal sphere and the relationship sphere.

Some people think that being in a relationship means “to be one” in all aspects.

However, it is necessary to be individual entities and to allow one to flourish alongside the other person.

  • One of the reasons why it is worth fighting for someone is if our spouse allows us to be ourselves i.e. enjoy our friends, have our own hobbies, special interests, own work and concerns.
  • Likewise, partners must be able to build their relationship by knowing how to invest, establish priorities and share efforts.

The couple are two people who build a life together, respecting interests, tastes and personal spaces. 

Empathetic and constructive communication

Talking is not communicating, it is not only laughing together, but above all it is being able to reach agreements.

It’s important to enjoy each other’s humor and companionship, but the main thing is that the couple can maintain empathetic and constructive communication.

  • On a daily basis, we need to be able to maintain a dialogue in which both voices are taken into account. These gestures of non-verbal communication are also essential in a relationship.
  • There are people who cannot communicate, and who say things in a hurtful way. This is why it is essential to pay attention to all these aspects.

Take care of the relationship every day

In a healthy, happy, and long-lasting relationship, there is no room for selfishness.

It is also not allowed to say today “I love you” and tomorrow “I forgot you and other people are more important to me”.

  • We have to maintain a balance. Without a doubt, there are pressures, anxiety, and professional worries on the day-to-day basis, but the relationship should not be overlooked or taken into the background.
  • If your spouse respects you, takes care of you, and promotes your personal growth, there are many reasons for you to struggle, and to strive to make them happy.

the elements for a relationship to work

I have no more reasons to look for you

If you no longer have a reason to maintain that love, don’t force yourself to harbor false hopes. Nor to think that “things will change”.

Know that people don’t change. Sometimes they are not as we expected and that is why it is necessary to react in time and to avoid unnecessary suffering.

  • Sometimes more than the good memories, we are left with the lost illusions. These are the unfulfilled hopes, what we dreamed of in the relationship that never happened.
    It’s broken dreams that hurt. As much as we longed for them, they did not come to fruition in this relationship.
  • It is necessary to act with courage, to put aside the love that may remain and to convince ourselves that we must move forward.

Life doesn’t stop, and we have to think about ourselves and take care of ourselves.

A bad love, a relationship that does not grow in the sign of respect can do a lot of damage to our self-esteem.

There will undoubtedly be the desire to continue this relationship, but there will be no real reasons to do so.

Accept it, grieve it, and allow yourself to be happy again.

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