I Love You, But I Don’t Need You

I don’t need you, but I love you and I want to be with you. So the day our relationship ends, I will continue whole, because I would never have ceased to be.

Even though I love you, I don’t need you to be happy, nor to live. We know this is a very ingrained belief synonymous with love. Today I know I can feel good without you.

Movies, culture, and society have installed in our minds the idea of romantic love that always leads us to failure and suffering, whereas love should mean something that makes us happy.

All this has caused many people to suffer from emotional addiction, a problem that is increasingly present.

I don’t need you to live

The couple's need.

There is the idea that loving involves suffering, but this is all a big lie. The problem comes from all the stages that we go through and which are strongly linked to the famous “without you I don’t know how to live”.

The fear of being alone and of feeling failures in the romantic field causes us sometimes not to choose our partners, but to go to the first person who is interested in us.

This happens in cases of emotional dependence.

It also leads to bonding a relationship with the other, because this feeling that no one loves us causes a great anxiety in us that we resolve by having another relationship.

However, all of this shows one thing clear: lived love is not real. How could we solve this? By avoiding falling into the following errors:

The idealization of the partner

The partner's need.

Have you ever wondered why at the beginning of relationships everything is beautiful and then disaster?

The answer lies in the idealization of that prince or princess charming to whom we allow things that bother us because we think we can stand it, accept it as it is, or that we keep the hope that he can change.

However, this causes the fact that love is not real from the start, as we put on glasses to only see what interests us.

Perhaps this is due to emotional shortages that make us look and value only what we need.

Low self-esteemThe need for self.

The need to have a partner can cause low self-esteem which affects you in various areas of your life.

This need that gnaws at us, we think of it as something indispensable, as our main objective. This goal that causes our world to collapse if we don’t reach it.

Our world revolves around the perfect, ideal relationship. If it goes badly, failure takes over and our self-esteem collapses.

Falling in love means something for people with low self-esteem that absorbs them, they have to give the best of themselves unconditionally or risk suffering more.

People like that are not able to set limits and it causes a lot of suffering in romantic relationships.

Having a partner isn’t everything, that’s why I don’t need you

The need of others.

You can live perfectly well without anyone by your side. And people who have never had the opportunity to be alone should take advantage if they are faced with this situation.

When you are alone, you learn not to need someone, you know yourself and you reflect on the relationship that has just ended.

In this way, you get to mature and know what you liked and didn’t like about your relationship so that the next one goes as smoothly as possible.

Doing this is very positive, but the need to have a partner often blurs our sight and causes us to not appreciate this moment when we only have to think about ourselves.

Only in this way will you be aware that you can love without needing another person.

Have you ever imagined the possibility of being single? Are you afraid of being alone?

If our life depends on having someone by our side, we can never feel completely happy.

Because you will make a mistake, you will forget yourself and this is the worst mistake you can make. The only person who will always be with you is yourself.

Stop ignoring yourself and start loving yourself.

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