I Like Those Who Know That To Be Great You Need Humility

Humility is knowing how to be empathetic and respectful, it is not crushing others. This is a concept that should not be taken purely theoretical: it should also be put into practice.

Humility is not just a virtue. Humility is also a value that we should all practice and teach our children. Nowadays we tend to confuse a person’s “greatness” with power, but we only convey selfishness through this conception.

An Arab proverb tells us that: “ We are born as innocent creatures and then become camels, then lions and finally to become children again.

Human beings make a complicated personal journey in life, in which they often aspire to have strength and power, to be a lion.

But at one point or another he discovers that what is really important lies in the innocent soul who is able to see life as a mixture of wisdom and humility. It is not easy to be humble on a daily basis. It requires us to change and make adjustments, but it is an effort that will be worth it because it will allow us to be in harmony.

In the rest of this article, we invite you to reflect on this subject.

I like humble people who know that to be great is not to be above others

Some see humility as a flaw, a deficiency, a vow of poverty that consists of an oath to give everything to others, no matter what.

Others make the connection between a humble person and the current of thought conveyed by Buddha, which reminds us that we need to be noble of heart, to free ourselves from material things.

It is also important to relate to others in order to be freer, more honest and more respectful.

We don’t need to look for complex explanations for something so simple, so basic. To be humble is not to be poor, it is not to follow a particular religion, current or spiritual practice.

Rather, it is a simple philosophy: humility is not believing yourself above others.

Humility is about nurturing reciprocity in our relationships. Humility is not preached, it is practiced.

Let’s go a little further in understanding this concept.

The one who preaches and who does not practice

We all know public figures, whether politicians or industrialists, who preach the need to help the underprivileged, to share, to develop more respectful and egalitarian social models.

  • They preach great virtues but they do not follow them in their private life. They further promote offshoring to find cheap labor abroad and the exploitation of workers. Very often, their lifestyle cannot correspond to the values ​​they claim to defend.
  • We don’t need to go to the upper echelons of society to find such people. On a more personal level, we all have friends and family who talk about everything they do for others, everything they’ve given up on.

They speak of their personal goodness, but in reality they only bring bad luck to their closest relatives.

It is necessary to reflect on these attitudes and take them into account. Every word we say out loud should match our behavior. We must all act conscientiously and consistently.

Humble-hearted people are those who exude acts of kindness, caring gestures and positive feelings into their daily actions. When we are in their presence, we respect them and are inspired by their behavior.

Humility can be learned

Positive psychology, led by Martin Seligman, understands and sees humility as an essential factor for human beings to be happy.

We must not forget that the raison d’être of positive psychology is to find strategies adapted to the human being so that he can find the way to well-being.

For many years, psychology was more oriented towards the goal of providing palliatives for mental illnesses. It was seen as something clinical, which heals the pathological.

However, thanks to Martin Seligman in particular, psychology now invites us to reflect on happiness, joy, optimism …

We can learn all of these things. To have a more honest and balanced life, we must assume and adopt behaviors marked by humility.

Advice on humility

Here are some simple strategies to adopt:

  • Acknowledge your mistakes and have the emotional maturity to correct them. This will bring you well-being and fulfillment, but will also allow you to make those around you happy.
  • Learn to value what is important in your daily life. Love, friendship, tenderness, a sense of humor, empathy and curiosity are all things that will bring you the happiness you are looking for.
  • Don’t think yourself better or worse than anyone. Comparisons will scare away everyone around you.
  • Enjoy the simplest and most basic things. Stay focused in the present, observe those around you, and try to learn from all the things and people you meet in your path.
  • Be a good role model for your children. Teach them to be humble, to understand their emotions, to respectfully connect with their fellow men.

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