How To Protect Hair From Chlorine?

Do you know how to protect your hair from pool chlorine? In this article, we offer you some tips that will help you enjoy the summer without worrying!

With the onset of summer, the pools are starting to fill up. But, if we get into the habit of following certain  preventive measures to protect hair from pool chlorine in gyms,  why not do it in public swimming pools too?

In public swimming pools or spa centers ,  it is always recommended to use a swimming cap. Not only to avoid soiling the water, but also to protect the hair.

How to protect hair from chlorine?

Since chlorine is a chemical that disinfects, if we go to the pool often, it won’t be surprising to see our hair become dry, brittle and lose its natural shine. Fortunately, there are several tips to prevent this from happening.

Using a swimming cap

This accessory is fundamental. It will protect our hair  because it will not be in contact with water. However,  there are different materials to make these swim caps: fabric, silicone, polyurethane and latex. Special care should be taken with latex as hair may fall out when putting on and taking off the cap.

A woman who wants to protect her hair from chlorine with a bathing cap

Apply oil

If you don’t want to be the only one wearing a beanie in the public pool, there is a way to prevent chlorine from damaging the hair fiber. To do this, just  apply a little oil. For example, argan, coconut or olive oil.

  • Put a little oil in the palms of your hands and spread it over all the hair. This will make them more resistant to chlorinated water.

Moisten the hair before going in the water

Another way to protect hair from pool chlorine is to wet it with cold water first. We can also wash them. Indeed, this simple gesture will prevent the hair from absorbing water with chlorine.

However,  it will always be better to combine this trick with other options in  order to protect your hair as much as possible.

Apply a good mask

Although we use a swimming cap, it will always be good to apply a suitable mask after swimming. There are off-the-shelf formulas, but  we can also make our own homemade hair masks.

These generally give very good results and can be applied to the hair every day without any problem. Or every time we go to the pool.

Protect dyed hair from pool chlorine

In addition to all the previous options, the question of dyed hair arises. It happens regularly that a person who has dyed their hair or a few strands of hair  observes that it turns yellowish or green.

How to protect hair from chlorine when dyed?

To prevent this phenomenon, not only is it necessary to put the previous advice into practice, but it is also necessary to get into the habit of using specific shampoos for our hair type. For example,  for bleached hair, we have to use special products.

As we can see,  protecting hair from pool chlorine is not difficult. There are indeed many ways to achieve this. In addition, it is imperative to apply these measures, whether we often go to the pool or not.

In addition, do not forget that the care is more specific in the case of dyed hair. Waiting a week after coloring, or always swimming with a cap will be essential to prevent alterations in the color.

How do you protect your hair from pool chlorine? Have you already tried the solutions suggested above? Share your experience with us !

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