How To Prepare Your Own Nail Hardener

To solve the problem of brittle nails, it is essential to use a tonic.

There is nothing more annoying than having brittle nails. At the slightest activity, they break, and it is almost impossible to keep them long. While our hands are eager to regain their beauty! Nail hardeners available in pharmacies can solve these problems, but they are often expensive.

What if we recommended an easy and economical solution?

Homemade nail hardener

The treatment we recommend is most effective because it is made up of natural elements like garlic and lemon. But its effectiveness lies in the vitamin E capsules. Don’t worry, they are easily found in pharmacies, and are very useful.

In fact, just one capsule is enough, as we will see in the rest of this article.

prepare your own nail hardener

This formula, just as simple as it is effective, is very useful for all those times when, for reasons of health or vitamin deficiency, we have brittle nails.

What do we need ?

  • 3 garlic cloves, peeled
  • 20 drops of lemon juice
  • One vitamin E capsule
  • Nail polish, natural shine

How to prepare?

  • Step 1

First of all, we are going to put the vitamin E capsule into the nail polish bottle. You just need to pierce the capsule with a needle. Then carefully pour its contents inside the bottle.

You can get vitamin E capsules at pharmacies. But for our preparation we will only need one capsule. By mixing it with varnish, you will endow it with the powers of the vitamin which restore strength and health to your nails.

  • 2nd step

The second step calls on the virtues of garlic. Why garlic, you will ask me? Well,  it is one of the best natural ingredients to strengthen nails, fight their fragility, bacteria and fungus.

You will need to soak these three garlic cloves for 15 minutes in hot water. Then once the garlic has softened well, we are going to grind it until a very homogeneous paste is obtained.

  • Step 3

When the paste is ready, put it in the nail polish bottle as well.  The easiest way to do this is to get a small funnel like the ones you use to handle essences and perfume.

  • Step 4

Then you will need lemon juice. Twenty small drops will do. Why is lemon good for nails? Mainly because it contains vitamins, as well as antioxidant acids. These fight the fragility in the very structure of the nail, thus strengthening it little by little.

Add the twenty drops of juice to the varnish bottle.

  • Step 5

Perfect, the nail hardener is finally ready. You now have a fortifying blend full of vitamins for your nail polish. Always shake the bottle before applying your polish. It is very effective in hardening your nails and keeping them healthy day after day.

Wear this nail polish for a month. Every three days, remove it to let your nails rest for a day. During this day when your nails are bare, massage them with a mixture of olive oil and almond oil. A spoon of each oil is enough.

Start by moistening your nails well with a cotton ball. Then rub each of them with this small mixture ideal for regenerating the nails. Remember, three days with the nail hardener, and one day off with the oil-based treatment.

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