How To Plant Rosemary, Parsley And Mint At Home

By planting your own aromatic plants, such as rosemary, parsley, and mint, you make sure they don’t contain pesticides, and you can eat them fresh, retaining all of their flavor and aroma.

Aromatic herbs adapt easily to all types of soil and climatic conditions. It is therefore very easy to grow them at home.

This type of herb can be used in many dishes, and these plants also have various medicinal uses.

In this article, we will tell you how to grow a rosemary, parsley and mint plant at home.

This way, you will always have a supply of fresh aromatic herbs, which you can use as soon as you need them.

How to plant rosemary at home?

Rosemary is an aromatic herb that has many properties and health benefits.

You can use it to make stews in your kitchen, but you can also use it as a repellant for mosquitoes and other pests.

This plant is extremely easy to grow at home, and does not require a lot of maintenance.

We will explain, step by step, the different steps to plant your rosemary at home.

You are going to need: 

  • From a cutting or rosemary seeds
  • From a planter or a flower pot
  • Substrate
  • From a small shovel
  • Water


  • Choose rosemary cuttings that are about three inches tall. If possible, cut them back in early summer. 
  • If you don’t have rosemary cuttings, you can buy rosemary seeds from a garden center. 
  • Fill a pot with plant substrate, and make sure you have a good drainage system, which will allow you to remove excess water from the pot.
  • Put your rosemary seeds or cuttings in the ground, and put the pot in a place in your house where the sun is shining all day.
  • You can also plant rosemary in your garden if you have one,  as this plant adapts perfectly to all types of soil.
  • Rosemary is an aromatic herb that prefers dry soil. So don’t water it too much.

How to plant parsley at home?

Parsley is a plant that brings many benefits to your body, and which fits perfectly into many culinary preparations.

This plant is easily cultivated indoors. It’s a great way to keep all of its flavor and aroma when using it.

If you have parsley at home, it will be much fresher than if you buy it from a store, and it will retain 100% of its properties. 

You are going to need: 

  • Parsley seeds
  • Earthen
  • From a planter or a pot
  • Some water


  • The first thing to do is to find a place in your house where sunlight enters between 4 and 6 hours a day. The sun is very important for this plant.
  • Fill your pot with soil, leaving some free space near the top edge, and plant your parsley seeds in it.
  • You can plant them any time of the year, but avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold.
  • Keep in mind that the germination of parsley is a bit slow.  So it’s okay if you go several days without seeing any herbs growing in the top of your pot.
  • Your pot must be equipped with a drainage system to filter the water, so as not to drown your plant.
  • To have a very compact and tender plant, you must not allow its flowers to develop. The ideal is to tear them off. You can also use its flowers and seeds to make a new jar of parsley.

How to plant mint at home?

Mint is a very popular herb, which is used to prevent and treat various health problems.

In your home, it can help you fight ants, aphids or other plant pests.

It is also an exceptional beauty ingredient for toning the skin in particular.

This plant is very easy to grow indoors, and doesn’t require a lot of attention. Follow our recommendations, and enjoy all its freshness every day.

You are going to need: 

  • From cuttings or mint seeds
  • From a pot
  • Earth or substrate


  • A very easy way to plant mint is to use cuttings from another plant. However, you can also use seeds, sold in garden centers.
  • Mint grows horizontally, so  it is recommended to use a pot that is large enough, but also about twenty centimeters deep.
  • Also check that your pot has a suitable drainage system to avoid excess water.
  • Fill the pot with soil or substrate. Choose the most nutrient dense products if you want to get a beautiful plant.
  • Sow your cuttings or mint seeds.
  • Even though the mint plant should receive some sunlight, it is best to keep it in the shade for as long as possible. 
  • It is also important to water it regularly, as mint likes slightly moist soils.

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