How To Fight Against The Obsession With Thinness?

Having self-esteem and not being guided by commercial images will allow us to be much happier and to learn to seek other values ​​beyond mere physical appearance.

The vulnerability of people is strictly linked to their environment. The obsession with thinness is a phenomenon directly linked to our cultural heritage, but also to our food education.

The canons of beauty established since childhood and the cultural and feminine concept established in their family environment can, in many cases, play a bad trick.

People are directly affected by a genetic load that will shape the way their bodies respond to various stimuli. These are related to diet, cultural customs, and also recreational habits and physical exercise.

Thus, our evolution is influenced by the environment in which we grow and develop in future years.

There are beauty indicators that you can adopt as a personal criterion that could border on pathological behavior.

Without wishing to scare you, the way you define yourself is directly linked to the concept of self-esteem you exhibit towards your family group or your circle of close friends.

1. Find your ideal weight with a nutritionist

Fight against the obsession with thinness.

The answer could encompass an infinite number of reasons, most often subjective and, in the worst case, recriminatory.

Therefore, a healthy weight that corresponds to your height is the most appropriate. Measurements of people are not an exact or perfect science.

The weight, in any case, will depend on your type of stature. Remember that the goal you should be striving for is healthy beauty, not slimness at all costs.

  • If you want to seek the help of an expert in nutrition, the common denominator of a good professional is to meet the demands of patients in an individualized way, it is neither comparative nor radical.
  • Study your body mass index. Improve your own eating habits, so you can feel comfortable and enjoy the experience.

2. Do you like

Body measurements, as well as height, can trap and scare you. Because it is very easy to succumb to false stereotypes of thinness. As it is also sometimes complicated to pay yourself a compliment.

Can you remember the last time you hugged your body without starting to detail the flaws or exaggerate the proportions?

It’s almost impossible not to be walking down the street, being at work, having a family reunion, partying, having a simple coffee with friends, watching TV without starting to compare yourself with the other girls around us ( almost always to the detriment of ourselves).

3. Don’t set false goals for weight loss

Fight against the obsession with thinness and not set false goals.

Perhaps your reaction evokes behavior that is ingrained in your memories as a teenager.

Get rid of bogus goals and the will to idolize people with a purely commercial image. Who has no ulterior motive to only market a style to position a brand.

These attitudes always end up undermining your willpower. It is important that you try to form your emotional circle with people who have a better idea of ​​themselves.

It is not some sort of egocentricity club. Rather, it is a search for affinity with people who uplift your spirit and your opinions.

It completely blurs all those experiences that made you doubt yourself and reshape your experiences. Have pleasant and enriching moments that promote a more friendly atmosphere.

A small start to getting rid of the obsession with being thin, which turns out to be only a way of conforming to society and its nefarious concept of being thin, is to channel your social networks.

Try to follow the stories of true motivators of human talent, emotional intelligence, and plural beauty.

Remember that true influencers are those who are able to nurture a refreshing character in you. And thus make you become a new woman with excellent self-esteem.

4. Is thinness an inherited obsession?

Fight against the obsession with thinness.

According to a study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders , obsession with thinness can also be inherited.

The study shows data such as genetics make some people more prone to social pressure because they are thinner than others.

  • This trend was confirmed by a study of 343 twins aged 12 to 22.
  • We studied how and to what extent these twins wanted to look like certain characters in movies, magazines and television.

Comparing the results between pairs of twins with identical genetic information and people who shared only 50% of their genetic information, it was found that identical twins had higher levels of idealization of thinness.

So, contrary to what one might think, the genetic factor turned out to be decisive.

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