How To Effectively Remove Corns On Feet With Home Remedies

It is possible to remove corns on feet with home remedies

Although the feet are the most common places where corns appear, they can also appear on other areas exposed to pressure or friction.

Grating a horn on the foot with a pumice stone helps reduce pain and speed healing.

When calluses on the feet appear, the skin becomes hard and yellowish. This is due to excessive pressure or friction.

The most common cause of corns on the feet is wearing shoes that are too tight for too long.

Wearing tight-fitting or too small shoes for a long time will cause corns to appear on the feet.

Other possible causes are walking barefoot, using shoes without socks. They can also appear if you participate in sports activities that put pressure on the feet.

In addition to being unsightly, corns on the feet can also become very painful if we do not follow the correct treatment.

Fortunately, there are some natural ingredients that make it easier to remove. They also make it possible to restore the skin to find a soft and soft texture.

If you have corns on your feet, don’t miss out on these home remedies to get rid of them. 

Pumice stone

Before trying any home remedy to remove corns on the feet, it is best to scrape off the callus using a pumice stone, suitable for the most delicate areas of the feet.

The pumice stone helps remove the horn, as it makes it easier to remove dead, dry skin. It will also decrease pain and speed healing.

How to do ?

  • First, soak your feet in a tub of hot water for 10 minutes to soften the hard skin.
  • With the pumice stone, then rub gently from side to side of the affected area for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Dry your feet and then put a piece of cotton wool soaked in castor oil on the horn. Then cover everything with a strip to let it act overnight.
  • The next day, remove the castor oil, wash your feet and apply a few drops of this oil several times a day.

corns and white vinegar

White vinegar

White vinegar is an effective remedy for eliminating corns on the feet thanks to its high acid content. This is because acids help soften tough skin.

This remedy also acts as an antibacterial and an antifungal. It thus reduces the risk of infection in the affected area.

How to do ?

  • Before going to sleep, mix one dose of white vinegar with three doses of water.
  • Rub this remedy directly on the horn.
  • Cover the area with a strip and leave it on overnight.
  • The next morning, exfoliate the skin using a pumice stone or large file.
  • Finally, wash the affected area well and use moisturizing oil to keep your skin hydrated.

Baking soda

baking soda

This product, which you surely have at home, is also a great ally to get rid of corns.

Indeed, the bicarbonate acts as a natural exfoliant, able to eliminate the dead and thick skin of the horn.

It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties that protect the skin from infections. 

How to do ?

  • Add two or three tablespoons of baking soda to a container with water and soak your feet in the mixture for 15 minutes.
  • Rub the affected area with a pumice stone to help remove dead skin.

The lemon

lemon slice

The citric acid in lemon helps to soften the skin hardened by the horn, promoting its elimination.

How to do ?

  • You can put lemon juice directly on the horn and let it air dry. This should be repeated two or three times a day.
  • Another option is to make a thick paste with lemon juice and a little brewer’s yeast. Apply the paste to the horn, cover with a bandage and leave on overnight.



Garlic has antioxidant, antibiotic, antibacterial and antifungal properties,  which promote the elimination of the horn, also preventing various infections of the skin.

How to do ?

  • Crush a clove of garlic and put it directly on the horn, covering it with a bandage, to let it act overnight. The next morning, remove the bandage and wash your feet with lukewarm water.
  • Another option is to crush several cloves of garlic, and mix them with salt until a kind of paste forms.
    Apply this paste directly to the horn, cover it with adhesive tape and leave to act for three days.
    On the third day, remove the bandage and remove the horn easily with a pumice stone.

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