How To Decorate Your Home In A Minimalist Style

The minimalist style is neither sober nor boring. On the contrary, it offers simplicity, elegance, functionality and order. Take note of these tips and you will have a minimalist style in your home!

We all tend to keep a lot of items that we don’t know where to put. It is then really difficult to maintain order in the house. Thus, the spaces and rooms of the house end up becoming a chaotic agglomeration of objects in every corner. On the opposite side, we find the minimalist style.

This style seeks a decoration with as few elements as possible. In this way, the decoration gains functionality, space and order. Its purpose is to eliminate any saturation. The ideal is a basic decoration, including for the furniture.

This is why  when it comes to minimalist style, space and architectural elements must be highlighted above all.

8 ways to decorate your home in a minimalist style

1. Classify what you own

The goal is to keep only what is necessary. That is why it is a great idea to sit down and look at the objects one by one to classify them. We must therefore ask ourselves if we really need it. If we can give them to someone. Or if, on the contrary, they are treasures that deserve to be kept in the house.

In this sense, following the rules of the minimalist style, we must ask ourselves the raison d’être of the object that we want to keep. Indeed, in this style everything must have a function. However, you shouldn’t be too permissive or sentimental about objects. Less is more.

2. Think like this: one thing goes in and another goes out

A stay in minimalist style
If you think about it, this is the only way to keep the minimalist style and not end up piling up unnecessary items again. That way when you buy something new you have to get rid of something.

For this reason, when you buy or are offered something new for your home, you will have to decide whether it will be part of the decoration or the furniture. Or if, on the contrary, it is better not to use it.

3. Do not put anything on the tables

Another way to simplify your home in a minimalist style is to keep table surfaces empty. In fact, we tend to overload them with flowers, ornaments, centerpieces, etc. According to this style, we have to keep them uncluttered for a greater sense of simplicity, functionality and order.

4. Go for simple geometric shapes

When choosing furniture, or even objects, it is best to always opt for simple shapes and straight lines. So forget about complex furniture with a lot of angles or too ornate.

5. Don’t forget the walls

A living room in minimalist style
The minimalist style is not reduced to furniture and ornaments. On the contrary, it must also be respected on the walls. For this reason, avoid overloaded frames in the house, especially on furniture.

You can install picture frames, but keep them simple, lightly loaded, and consistent with the rest of the decor. On the other hand, you can choose to use mirrors to decorate your walls. They will also give more depth to the space.

6. Adapt the lighting

One of the most important elements in decoration is lighting. For this reason, the minimalist style shuns shadows and dark spaces. He therefore prefers rooms with a lot of light. The more, the better.

With this in mind, heavy and overloaded curtains should also be avoided, especially if they are opaque. It is better to opt for blinds, which can diffuse the light.

Also, it is important to study a room before deciding on artificial lighting to apply to it. The goal is to avoid overloading the room with unnecessary bulbs. Therefore, if you analyze the space well, you will be able to choose the precise place where it is necessary to place a lamp.

7. Choose minimalist style furniture

As the name suggests, this style of interior design prefers sober furniture. However, that doesn’t mean they have to be graceful or boring. On the contrary, you have to choose furniture that is simple and above all elegant in its simplicity.

Since minimalism also applies to furniture, it is better to choose multi-functional furniture. This way you will be able to have less of it in the house. In addition, it is better to opt for low and wide furniture, discarding the idea of ​​huge and high furniture that takes up too much space.

8. Go for black and white, with a touch of color

The dominant colors in the minimalist style are white and black. In particular, white is able to give the feeling of more space, which is why it predominates in this style. Black, on the other hand, provides the perfect contrast for superior simplicity and elegance.

However, color shades are also needed. In addition, it is much more pleasant that they are given by the objects.

So while the walls and furniture can be predominantly white and black, a plant with large green leaves can give the perfect touch of color. Or many other elements that bring their own touch with a different tone.

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