How To Deal With A Lie From A Family Member Or Friend?

People lie for very different reasons. You have probably already encountered this problem. In this article, we’re going to give you some tips on how to behave with loved ones who are lying to you.

When someone we don’t really know lies to us, we move away or minimize the importance of what they are telling us. But more than once, we wonder: how to react to a lie from a family member or a friend?

There are a lot of things that go through our minds after hearing a first lieā€¦ Do we face it or do we let it go? How can we live with this person we love, even if we do not trust him completely?

We are talking about situations here that are difficult, because then you struggle between the affection you have for the other and the urge to tell him that you know he lied.  However, there are ways to deal with a loved one who is lying to us. Whether he is an adult or a child.

In the first place, it is necessary to understand why this person is lying

lie of a loved one: how to react?

Perhaps you have already detected the lie and it seems like an awesome discovery that bothers you. But the most important thing is to understand the reasons why the person is lying.

This will tell us, among other things, if the lies are too serious or if the loved one is too harmful to stay near us. Truth be told, not all lies are of the same importance. Some are serious and some are really unnecessary.

People may lie to avoid conflict, because of their own insecurity, or to assert themselves in front of others. These reasons are not that problematic, but if behind it there is addiction, violence, money or serious harm for us, it is a game-changer.

Don’t use the word liar

Dealing with a liar rarely results in positive change. Even if we have all the evidence and the person recognizes it, that won’t stop them from continuing to lie. Worse yet, it will put her on alert and make her suspicious.

This means that the deceived and betrayed person is not the only one to be wary. Liars who feel trapped also enter this dynamic with ease. By reporting the lie or challenging them, we will only encourage them to perfect their deception in order to avoid being discovered.

The best solution, in any case, is to move forward to avoid even bigger conflicts or lies.

Trust and sincerity

lying in the face of honesty

A family member or friend who lies to us isn’t just someone we can live without. It is therefore up to us to change the situation. Try to encourage positive feelings and interactions that improve interpersonal relationships.

Your speech should aim to preserve the importance of trust and sincerity at all times. After all, even a liar doesn’t like to be lied to either.

Take steps not to be surprised

Those who expect something from a liar gradually lose self-confidence. And with it, states of insecurity follow because you don’t know what’s going to happen. This is what we call uncertainty.

It is obvious that we always want this loved one to change. But if life teaches us anything, it’s that people don’t change. Much better than keeping hope, it is better to have a realistic attitude. Knowing that worst case scenarios can always happen.

Remember that chronic liars are selfish, uncompromising, and with a tremendous ability to get us into trouble. Therefore, it is best to take precautions and not expect anything from a family member or friend who lies to us.

Have an active attitude

Is a family member or friend lying to you? It is then wise to prevent him from managing your life or playing a decisive role in it. His lie must be a wake-up call to stop relying on him or her and to take control of our own future.

Once you become aware of the harmful attitude, you have two options. Either you are a victim or you are simply trying to create a dynamic of coexistence where lying no longer affects you. Anything is possible with a little character, wit and common sense.

This means that it won’t always be necessary to move away from it if you are dealing with a parent, child, sibling, or even a great friend. But it will be essential to set limits, avoid dependence and not give them too important responsibilities.

What if we have a family member or friend who is lying to us that we love very much?

The important thing is to avoid emotional wear and tear. Taking a distance is not necessarily synonymous with no longer loving. Support him whenever possible.

On the other hand, if the lies have painful or harmful consequences, it may be time to think about taking our distance. Having a family member or friend lying to us can be dangerous, exhausting, and put us in embarrassing situations.

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