How To Clean Your Oven Using 5 Methods

Lemon, vinegar or baking soda will help you to easily clean and disinfect your oven, whether it is electric or gas, or whether it is a microwave .

Depending on your type of oven, you will need to clean it one way or another. In addition, remember that cleaning this appliance is essential because, otherwise, it could become a source of bacteria and microorganisms.

Below, we give you some tips for cleaning your oven, according to the different types.

Clean the oven

Keeping your oven clean is essential. Indeed, food or fat remains can get lodged on the walls or windows, so that they burn every time we cook and are harmful to our health.

This is the reason why we have to clean the oven thoroughly from time to time. But above all, you have to take into account the type of oven to choose the most suitable method.

For example, on the market there are self-cleaning ovens on which you only have to activate the automatic cleaning mode and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. However, not all of us are fortunate enough to have an oven with these characteristics, and we often have to deal with embedded dirt and grease.

Below we explain how to clean your electric or gas oven and microwave, as these are household appliances that we all have at home.

In addition, our advice includes natural and ecological products such as lemon, vinegar or baking soda. Thus, you will not have to spend money on commercial chemicals and you will get a more than efficient result.

Take note !

Electric or gas stove


Cleaning the oven is not easy. Fat tends to stick to all parts and we know how difficult it is to remove it. However, there is a very effective completely ecological and natural trick: lemon.

  • Start by cutting 3 lemons, squeeze them and put the juice in a container suitable for the oven.
  • Then close the oven and heat it to 250 ° C for 30 minutes.
  • The degreasing power of lemon will have taken effect and you will just have to clean with a sponge. However, be careful not to start cleaning when the oven is still hot.


In addition to lemon, the vinegar is also an antibacterial and natural degreaser.

  • Put vinegar in a sprayer and distribute it inside the bishop. Be careful not to put it on the hotplates.
  • Then heat your oven to 120 ° C for 10 minutes.
  • Finally, once cooled to avoid getting burned, easily remove any leftover dirt with a sponge.


Another tip is to use baking soda, especially if we have to clean a very dirty oven. For it :

  • Start by mixing baking soda and water until you get a kind of paste.
  • Then apply the paste to the walls of the oven (avoiding the hotplates) and leave to act for two hours.
  • You should not light your oven during this time.
  • Finally, remove the paste and clean the dirt with a sponge.

Microwave oven

The microwave is a device that tends to get dirty easily. Indeed, projections and grease make it one of the devices that requires the most cleaning. However, cleaning it is not that difficult if you follow these tips:

Water, vinegar and salt

  • In a microwave-safe container, add half a glass of water and half a glass of vinegar with a tablespoon of salt.
  • Then close the container with a lid with holes (or for example film in which you will make holes).
  • Place the container in the microwave at maximum power for 5 minutes. The steam from the mixture will loosen the dirt from the walls of the oven.
  • Once the 5 minutes have elapsed, do not remove the container. Leave it on for an additional 10 minutes with the microwave door closed.
  • Finally, open your oven and easily remove the dirt with a sponge.

Baking soda and vinegar

  • Start by mixing a glass of water with a tablespoon of vinegar in a microwave-safe container.
  • Then place the container in the oven at maximum power and let all the liquid evaporate.
  • Once evaporated, keep the door closed and let the steam act for 10 minutes.
  • Then, being careful that the container is not too hot, remove it from the oven and apply baking soda with a wet sponge.
  • Finally, remove the baking soda from the walls with a cloth and dry the inside.

Easy, natural and almost effortless. Do not hesitate to put these tips into practice to have a clean, sanitized and shiny oven.

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