How Does Anxiety Influence Body Odor?

Anxiety doesn’t just affect our well-being. If you want to know how anxiety and body odor are related, read on.

Some people don’t know that some of their ailments are caused by anxiety.

The first step in controlling secondary symptoms, like body odor, is knowing how to identify these symptoms : tachycardia, sweating, increased temperature, difficulty sleeping, digestive problems, etc.

The relationship between body odor and anxiety

Fight against anxiety

There is a clear relationship between sweating and anxiety . When we are anxious, our body increases the heart rate. Which causes our pupils to dilate and even have trouble breathing. This is when our body goes on alert.

This is where the hypothalamus activates, and gives a signal to the adrenal glands. These are responsible for the release of adrenaline, epinephrine and cortisol, the latter known as the stress hormone . All of this makes us sweat through the pores of our skin.

But this sweat is not the same as that which can be evacuated when playing sports. It is a type of sweat that is made up of 80% water and 20% protein and fat.

This substance is also characterized by easy contact with bacteria on the skin, generating a bad odor. It ends up forming a vicious cycle. Seeing that we are sweating makes us more nervous and we sweat even more, which increases this unpleasant smell.

Thus, anxiety is a key factor in understanding why body odor sometimes occurs. The best way to fight them is to control anxiety. And although it is clear that sweat is a natural reaction of our body, nonetheless it makes us uncomfortable.

How to fight anxiety

Anxiety causes a person to anticipate the negative consequences of a situation, but without knowing why and what are the reasons.

Therefore, the best thing we can do is to interpret the facts in the least serious way, to be realistic and not to amplify the situations. It is important to try to determine whether the likelihood of things going wrong is high or not. As well as to see what the consequences will be and if the situation would be really that bad.

Remember that there are many problems that are not within your reach and that there is nothing you can do to solve them. So it is best to face them and prepare for them.

It is important to know how to distract from the problem. When we are anxious, attention is continually focused on the difficulty that is overwhelming you. So, you must learn to be entertained and not to focus your attention all the time on this disturbing matter.

While it is true that we must be vigilant, we must also rest and save resources, have fun and think about other things.

Also, if you feel it is necessary, do not hesitate to use relaxation techniques. These techniques can be muscular, progressive, respiratory, etc.

Thanks to these mechanisms, you will be able to reduce physiological activation. It has been shown that when you practice these activities, problems end up being solved more effectively.

What to do if you are having a panic attack

Panic attack

If you have a panic or anxiety attack , you lose control and it scares you even more. There the heart rate increases, breathing becomes difficult, you hyperventilate, the temperature rises, and you begin to shake.

At this point, the most important thing is to try to understand that there is no real danger, that there is no extreme situation and that what happened is not. serious.

If the focus of attention is changed and the emphasis on symptoms is reduced, symptoms will decrease. The best way to do this is to think about something else. To change the topic of conversation. To get down to business or do something that keeps you active and distracted. Try to breathe more slowly.

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